Lifestyle running shoes are setting new fashion trends

If you’re in the know you’re definitely well aware of the impact that both the Adidas Yeezy and Nike Jordans lines have had on street fashion and their ushering in of what are now colloquially known as lifestyle runners. Whether you know it or not, you’ve definitely seen these shoes, and this style, frequently. Jordans have always been not just a prime candidate for basketball footwear, but an iconic status symbol over time, with rare iterations and new unique designs keeping people coming back for more. Yeezys are much the same in this regard, though it could be said that their designs typically lend themselves more towards fashion and comfort than elite athleticism.
Taking advantage of the fact that there is a huge market of not just players, but casual sneaker-lovers, Adidas Yeezys made their mark on the fashion industry by providing a great all-round shoe. These styles of shoes, and the lifestyle runner aesthetic in general, are more geared towards comfort, everyday wear, and a sensible yet subdued look. With Jordans, no matter how rare or sought-after they are, they always feature amazing attributes dedicated to the game of basketball and its requirements, but the Adidas Yeezys are quite a different beast. They typically feature soft-fabric uppers and poignant silhouettes, with stand-out outsoles.
Probably what is most unique about this style of shoe is the fact that it relies on more than just colours. With Jordans, a lot of the allure has to do with colour combinations, or rare iterations with slight variations to their colour scheme. With shoes more driven towards everyday lifestyle use, phrases, words, and branding make a huge impact on the design and appeal of a specific model. If you mix in well-known names in fashion and music, you are bound to get a thought-provoking and astounding product, from minimalistic yet attractive shoes to otherworldly and alien designs.
The impact these shoes have had on the fashion industry cannot be overstated. Some people wear very different types of shoes for exercise and often the wrong ones. Make sure you have the right shoes by checking out Shoe Hero. A rule of thumb many people follow when it comes to an outfit is starting out at the bottom – with your shoes. With shoes being a focal point of many people’s ensembles, it’s no wonder why so many people are not only enamoured by, but addicted to this style of shoe. Since these shoe types come in a whole host of styles, from muted and subdued to wild and eye-catching, no matter what kind of style you want to pull off that day, there is a Yeezy or Jordan that scratches that fashion itch. It has brought on a wave of simple yet effective and captivating styles, reshaping how we see fashion and making everything revolve around the feet in a way that hasn’t been seen to this degree, ever.
Not only have they made itself the focal point of fashion and revitalised the “casual yet trying” look, but lifestyle running shoes have also helped open the doors for running as a whole being reincorporated into daily life and exercise. Upon their inception, Jordans ushered in an era of love for basketball and sports, with shoes being the pivotal mover in many people’s desire to pick up a ball, but it hit a plateau after the new millennium.
Similarly to the Jordans, the resurgence of aesthetically pleasing and captivating runners has led to millions of people hitting the road. Running shoes in general have spiked in popularity because of this new niche making waves across our culture, and now more than ever people are picking up their dream runners and heading off into the sunset for a smooth workout.
Not only have these shoes dictated our sense of fashion, but inadvertently made us more health-conscious. By creating a lovable style of shoe that appeals to a huge audience, the Yeezys and the Jordans have not only moved fashion, but also invigorated a whole new generation of people to get active in the area that these shoes dominate. It can be said that by captivating our eyes, these shoes were able to change the way we think and what we do – for the better.
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