Five ways to keep the romance alive in lockdown

Maintaining a relationship during quarantine can be a challenging task. As tempers fray and patience wears thin, it’s likely that things may get a little heated from time to time, and it can be hard to find ways to inject excitement into your daily routine. However, testing times like these might just be what pushes your relationship to the next level. Here are a few ways to spice up your love life in lockdown.
Keep a regular date night
Even if your schedules are all over the place, it’s important to keep some structure in your relationship. Make sure you spend at least one night a week focusing on only your partner. You could take it in turns to cook, or order a takeaway and watch your favourite show. The options might seem limited but the main thing is that you get some quality time together. If you aren’t in the same house, have a weekly activity over video call – you could make a quiz or watch the same film using Netflix Party.
Be spontaneous
There’s nothing like a surprise to put the spark back in your relationship. When life is uneventful, now is the perfect time to get creative. Try writing your loved one notes and hiding them so that your partner can get little pick me ups throughout the day. If your partner is going to the shop, take the time to do some chores or make them a little gift. Those in long-distance relationships could try sending flowers or cards. It also pays to be spontaneous if you are single. If you are fed up of dating sites and still looking for a relationship you could visit this page and look for alternative options.
Set small goals as a couple
It’s hard to envision where we might be a few months from now, but there’s no harm in making some short-term goals. This could be from running 5km together for Run for Heroes to baking the perfect loaf of bread. Whether you are at the start of a relationship or you are engaged, it’s important to know you are on the same page and that you have a shared target. You could start a new hobby or project from scratch and measure each other’s progress so that by the end of quarantine you have a new joint passion. This is also possible via video call: try thinking of a theme and painting together, or learn a language and test each other.
Motivate your partner
Support is always key to a relationship, but it’s even more important now that things seem so bleak. Make sure your partner knows you have their back and stay positive as best you can in order that they can feed off of your enthusiasm. Start the day with a smile and don’t forget to praise your partner when they achieve something, however small. The same goes for those living apart: send your partner regular texts so they know you have their back.
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