Six zero waste swaps you can make in the bathroom

When it comes to bathrooms, you might just be shocked at the number of single-use plastic items we use without thinking about it. Which, when we’re trying to help reduce our plastic use, can really add up to a lot of extra plastic over the year.
Which is why KwikSweep have put this handy guide together, to show you some simple swaps you can make in the bathroom to reduce your plastic use. You’ll be surprised at just how easy it can be.
1. Toothbrush
Every month or two, we change our toothbrush for a new one. Yet, with a plastic handle and bristles, these toothbrushes end up in landfill where they will sit for hundreds of years. Or worse, they’ll end up in the oceans where they harm marine life. Just think, if you go through around six toothbrushes a year, that’s a lot of plastic waste over your life.
Instead, swap out your plastic toothbrush for a recyclable one made from bamboo with compostable bristles. These toothbrushes will not cost you any more and will keep your teeth just as clean. Then, when you’re finished with them, just put them straight into a compost heap where they will break down.
2. Toothpaste
Sticking with the teeth theme, the plastic tube that contains your toothpaste is also a real problem. So, instead, you can make your own toothpaste yourself and store it in a glass jar or buy a ready-made toothpaste in a glass jar.
3. Shampoo and conditioner
While a bar of shampoo or conditioner might not have been a great option in the past, these days you can get extremely high-quality products that have zero waste. Indeed, you might even find that these bars make your hair look better than you could have imagined.
Or, if you have a favourite brand, at least try to buy it in the largest bottle possible to reduce your plastic waste.
4. Reusable face scrubbies
Make-up can be hard to remove, which is why many of us use facial wipes as these can make for the easiest option. To stop your plastic use, though, you should consider getting a reusable face scrubbie. Often crocheted out of soft cotton, you just add your make-up remover to these and you’ll be able to cleanse your face. These can then be put into your washing machine ready to be used again.
5. Safety razors
Disposable razors not only contain a lot of plastic but are also only used for a short amount of time before being thrown away. Instead, a safety razor uses blades made from metal, which can be easily recycled when you’re finished with it. The actual handle part will last you forever.
6. Hand wash
Over the past few years, liquid hand wash has become popular over a traditional bar of soap. The problem is, hand wash comes with a lot of plastic waste. So, you should look to either get this refilled or consider going back to a bar of soap.
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