How to increase your sex drive

The clichéd man is thought to think about sex every seven seconds and acts on his impulses whenever he can. However, such stereotypes aren’t true. In reality, according to the editor of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, about one in five men have such low sexual desires that they would rather do almost anything else other than having sex. The editor also says nearly 30% of women have more interest in sex than their partners. That certainly doesn’t live up to what stereotypes would have us believe.
The good news is there are several ways in which men can increase their sex drives. Read on to find out more.
What causes a low sex drive?
A low sex drive is often related to relationship issues, tiredness, or stress. But it can also be caused by an underlying medical problem like diabetes, heart disease, or reduced hormone levels. Other causes of a low-libido include:
Sexual problems, like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.
Depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.
Certain medicines, such as some antidepressants, medicines for seizures and drugs for high blood pressure.
There is no such thing as a normal sex drive, though. Everyone’s libido is different. But if you have a lower sex drive than you should or if you find sex distressing, it’s best to see your doctor to get help. There are solutions available.
Treatments for improving the sex drive
The best course of treatment for a low sex drive is dependent on the reason for a reduced libido. For instance, if you’re worried you cannot get or maintain an erection and therefore you are put off having sex, you can simply buy non-prescription medications like Viagra from this company. Viagra is clinically proven to be highly effective in helping you to get and keep an erection and it is used by millions of men all over the world.
If the cause of a low sex drive is psychological, sex therapy can be an excellent treatment. This counselling method uses specific techniques and strategies to help men regain their enjoyment of sex. Sometimes therapist can recommend sex toys, like remote control vibrators.
In cases where measurably low testosterone is the problem, it’s possible to take testosterone supplements. They are available as shots, skin patches, or gel formulations. And they are proven to work for men with low testosterone.
A licensed doctor could prescribe dopamine-increasing medicine if the reduced sex drive is due to low dopamine levels. However, it does come with risks and the FDA does not currently approve it.
Natural ways to increase the sex drive
There are other ways to increase your libido naturally depending on the cause of the reduced sex drive. Here are some of the best methods.
Sleep well
By frequently getting good quality sleep each night, it’s possible to improve the mood and overall energy levels. By improving the mood and energy, the libido can increment.
Eat nutritiously
By simply changing the diet to a more nutritious one, it’s possible improve the sex drive. Eating healthy foods like vegetables and foods low in sugar but high in lean protein can promote good circulation and heart health, and prevent disorders that affect libido.
Improve a relationship
A lull in sexual desire is common in relationships, especially after being with the same partner for a long time. But by focusing on improving your relationship, you can increase your sex drive. Little things like planning a date night, practicing open communication and spending quality time with each other can work magic.
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