How do celebrities influence the CBD market?

Whether you happen to be curious about trying CBD products – or investing in the CBD industry due to the enormous amount of potential – there is no denying the fact that cannabidiol products are slowly but surely entering the mainstream in a big way. While it is understandable for many to be hesitant due to its connection to cannabis, CBD has a long list of potential health benefits that have proven themselves time and time again.
This is presumably the reason why the CBD market continues to grow, even when the FDA bans CBD products included in food and drink, and there are strict regulations depending on the area. Another big reason is that some celebrities have taken to praising CBD products. Here are just a few reasons why celebrities are influential when it comes to the growth of the CBD market.
Celebrities are often imitated by the masses
Perhaps the biggest reason why celebrities can affect the CBD market is the simple fact that their supporters are more than happy to mimic their actions. Many people out there allow themselves to be heavily influenced by the celebrities they love, which is often utilised by businesses to break into the market.
Even people who might not necessarily be into the idea of using cannabidiol products may still be tempted by the celebrities they follow to give such products a shot. Sometimes all it takes is for a well-known celebrity to talk about the benefits of CBD products and the lack of side-effects for people who are on the fence to take the plunge.
The presence of regulations make such products feel like a forbidden fruit
At the moment, CBD oil products tend to get heavily regulated based on a number of factors. For example, if the THC content is higher than 0.3%, in the US it’s challenging trying to travel from state to state with such a product. There is also the issue of some CBD products being added into food and drink, which the FDA does not permit under any scenario. The difference between CBD oil and hemp oil is also a crucial factor.
Watching one’s favourite celebrity make use of such products can make it feel like the forbidden fruit, and it is quite easy to want things that seem risky or dangerous – even if most types of CBD products are considered entirely safe. In some ways, celebrities endorsing a heavily regulated product makes it even more popular than if it were not banned in many states.
Peer pressure can make waves
It’s likely that the trend of CBD use will eventually get to those who have no interest in CBD oil and all that it entails. The feeling of being left out is the reason why even the most uninterested people can end up purchasing the product – they may be swayed just because a celebrity fan group they belong to keeps endorsing CBD oil.
While it might not seem like a big deal, even just a single celebrity endorsing cannabidiol oil products can have a monumental effect on the marketplace.
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