Building your James Bond persona

Do you prefer the retro masculinity of a Sean Connery 007 or the suave Pierce Brosnan? Either way, James Bond is as sophisticated and suave as a gentleman can get. We can’t all join the British secret service – but here are a few things you can do to emulate the graceful character of Britain’s favourite spy.
Make the perfect martini
Put down your beer for a minute and listen to this. The first step to being like James Bond is to develop some class – and that means learning to mix a proper drink. You already know that a gentleman prefers his martini made with vodka and shaken, not stirred. A shaken martini traps more oxygen and attains a stronger taste. So get your ice, classiest martini glass, a capful of vermouth, grab your shaker and shake for about half a minute. For an extra dash of class, add a lemon peel.
Polish up your manners
What makes James Bond the classic gentleman is that he knows how to behave when there’s company – unless he’s fighting them, of course. The gentleman has an overall demeanour of composed confidence. Smile more often, walk and stand up straight, talk about stuff that you’re passionate about. Don’t fidget, be positive and always try to remember people’s names. These things may sound like what your grandmother would say but they work wonders.
Learn how to play cards
If you want to follow in the footsteps of James Bond, then being a disciplined player is par for the course. It’s, therefore, essential to learn a few card games that are more sophisticated than Crazy 8. The first thing to do will be to learn how to play the most popular games, starting with Chemin de fer (his absolute favourite).
Style maketh man
You can always count on James Bond to be dressed impeccably. More importantly than being able to rock the best bespoke suits from Savile Row, he knows how to dress for when there’s some dirty work to be done. From winter jeans and a bomber jacket combination to a black-tie event, Bond knows how to put together the right outfit for any occasion. Until you master this subtle art, you can’t be as cool as James Bond. Hitting the gym once in a while will help you look better in any outfit and has excellent health benefits as well
Learn several languages
You never know where your next mission will take you. So for you to blend in and not blow your cover, you’ll have to learn to speak several languages like a native. One way to learn faster is to find someone who speaks the language to practice with (James Bond would prefer learning from a girl from that country). You can take classes, download tutorials, join clubs or even travel to the country for a mini vacation.
Become a human encyclopedia
Becoming as interesting as James Bond can’t happen in a vacuum. To be able to add something relevant and witty to any conversation, you’ll have to expand your knowledge. Take some time to learn about how money works, other cultures and technology. Being able to drive any vehicle and repair even the most minor of issues with your car is also pretty cool and very James Bond.
Learn self-defence
Learning how to throw and defend yourself from punches can be very useful if you ever find yourself in tight situations. If you’d like to be like James Bond, then you’ll have to be a master martial arts. You have to know a few pressure points to be able to win a fight in a few blows. A hit to the forehead can knock out the enemy. One to the eyes or nose can put them down for the count temporarily. Your knees, palms and elbows make better weapons than your fists, so use them more often. However, it’s not a matter of getting into a fight every time. Sometimes walking away or de-escalating the situation is the best way to win.
Explore more places
Think of someone who you know personally who’s almost as cool as James Bond. Now think if their idea of going out is a dingy little bar that’s tucked away in some alley or the fast food shop that’s closest to home. That’s because being as cool as James Bond includes knowing all the classiest places in every city. You don’t have to bust your wallet, but getting out of town once in a while or eating out at a classy place wouldn’t hurt. You’ll meet fascinating people and, who knows, maybe a real-life, secret service agent.
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