CBD products that can help you fall asleep

Every night, while you slip away to bed, head hitting the pillow, you are hoping, wishing and praying for a quick trip into dreamland and some very restful REM cycles. Not everyone is lucky enough to fall asleep in a matter of minutes. Often, people will struggle with their brain still going a million miles an hour and an exhausted body that can’t keep up.
Some are turning to meditation, soothing music, a warm glass of milk or a hot bath to put them in the right mood for bed. But have you ever tried incorporating hemp flowers into your bedtime routine? CBD products, like the ones available with Dr Ganja, are known to have an array of amazing health benefits – but what about assisting with sleep?
According to Healthline, CBD products may help promote better sleep, specifically the REM cycle. The period of sleep most responsible for you feeling like you got a good night’s rest. As always, speaking with a healthcare professional is the first step.
Slip off peacefully in just a wink with these marvellous CBD products that will help you fall asleep as soon as your dreary head hits the pillow.
Bath bombs
The ultimate form of relaxation is a warm bubble bath, maybe a glass of wine and no distractions. There is nothing like taking a hot soak in the tub to wash off all the day’s qualms and anxieties and be ready to hit the hay. The moment you step out of your hot soapy tub, your body stays in relaxation mode and allows your muscles and mind to drift into a restful sleep.
Kick things up a notch and add in a CBD bath bomb, it is relaxation and skin moisturising all in one. This bath bomb adds to your experience by adding a calm rejuvenation and peacefulness to your bath time routine. Perfect to set the tone for a beautiful, worry-free night’s sleep.
Lots of routines involve skincare in the morning or at night, pick your poison! However, if one of the products helped you drift off to sleep a little faster would you change your routine around a bit?
CBD lotion is on the scene and providing us with the envy-worthy effects every dreamer is looking for. Amplify your nightly routine by moisturising your skin, and accelerating your relaxation mode with CBD lotion, your body will thank you.
Whether it is sweet or savoury, everyone knows the feeling of looking for an indulgent midnight snack. Next time you run to the pantry for a bite because you’re tossing and turning instead of sleeping, grab a CBD gummy. These little guys are packed with flavour, CBD and satisfaction, inducing a wave of calmness and serene state of mind while curing the midnight snack craving. CBD gummies will quickly become a part of your nighttime routine.
Face mask
Skincare is always the area where trying new products is fun but also daunting. Things can be so expensive but you never know if they will work or, even worse, how they will affect your skin. When you are looking to unwind and have some self-care time, often face masks help to improve this process. Elevate skincare and mental care with a CBD face mask, great for the skin and relaxing to the mind. After that spa adventure, you will be ready for the best full night’s sleep of your life!
CBD-infused bed sheets
When struggling to fall asleep takes on a whole new form, have no fear, tossing and turning might just be the key to finally getting to sleep. CBD-infused bed sheets are definitely on the top ten list of unique ways to get to sleep. This product infuses peace and calmness into your sleep cycles and sleep routines. Dive into your warm and comfy bed knowing that you will be drifting off to sleep in a serene state of mind.
CBD oil
This may seem like a common product… but it is not one to be missed. CBD oil can be rolled onto the wrist, dropped onto a pillow, or pushed throughout the whole room in a diffuser. CBD oil has many benefits when it comes to relieving stress, anxiety and inducing overall calmness. One of the greatest parts about the oil is that it is so easy to use and control the dosage, it can be added to any food or simply used topically.
Nothing says romance and ready for bed like a room dimly lit with a few candles. The candlelight flame flickers and the warmth of the glow somehow brings a sense of relaxation to the room. CBD candles are made with essential oil and as they burn they diffuse peace and calming into the air in such a subtle way.
If you are looking to drift off quickly to sleep or wholeheartedly relax in the bath before bed, a candle of this kind might just be the decor that you are looking for.
Massage oil
Bring in your partner for this one. Nothing takes the stress out of the day like a caring back rub to push the tension out of those tense back muscles. Massage oil builds an added sensation and relief to sore muscles when you use CBD oil. Combat chronic pain and tough days with CBD massage oil to set the tone and take away all the pressure. It will surely send your right into a restful sleep.
What does your nightly routine look like? Are you promoting health and wellness? Are you relaxed when your head hits the pillow?
Our lives can constantly be filled to the brim with go, go, go. So much so, we stop learning how to listen to our bodies. Eventually, we can get to a place where we can’t relieve stress and this makes the process of going to sleep that much more difficult.
Look into your nightly routine and see what needs to be tweaked, what are you doing for yourself? What does that process look like? Where can you fit in your CBD products that help promote peace and relaxation to bring you into the perfect zone of calmness? Add in a few CBD products, or try them all, find out what fits with your lifestyle and your needs.
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The material contained in this article is of the nature of general comment only and does not give advice on any particular matter. Recipients should not act on the basis of this article’s information without taking appropriate professional advice.