Creating your own sense of style

When it comes to developing your own sense of style, you can either follow your instinct or let someone else inspire you. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel; it’s possible to simply draw from your innate ability to be unique and authentic. If you don’t know where to begin, then stay tuned. This article discusses what it takes to have a natural instinct when it comes to fashion and how to use it to your advantage. It might take some practice, but it’s something you can continue to work on. Some people care about fashion a lot, while others are content putting on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. While nothing is wrong with the latter scenario, there are times when jeans and a t-shirt won’t cut it, especially if you are going to a special event. That means it’s important to know how to dress and when to dress a certain way.
Be fashion conscious
Developing a sense of style means honing in on your desire to look and feel good. You don’t have to be anyone but yourself. When you create your own sense of style, it has to pass the litmus test of being authentic and relevant. Most individuals begin their quest for making a fashion statement earlier in their lives, often during secondary school. Teenagers don’t want to look at odds with what their friends are wearing and they want to be trendy too. Consequently, that is about the time when it dawns on most people that they want to be fashion conscious. To refrain from becoming the laughing stock of their friends, teenagers nag their parents for a shopping allowance. Does that sound familiar? For a lot of girls especially, this seems to be the case.
Recycle old looks
If you are one of those people who didn’t care what you looked like in secondary school, you probably didn’t care what people thought of you, and you might not have so much experience in the fashion department. No worries! It’s not too late. If you don’t already know, fashion is like a merry-go-round. A pair of cut-off jeans might not be trendy at a certain point, but after it has circulated and dropped out, it will come back again in a few years. That’s how fashion works, so if you didn’t make one fashion trend, just wait a few years for it to recycle. You can even create your own fashion trends that other people might want to recycle. It’s just a matter of your personal taste.
Know your body
If you want to stay abreast of fashion trends, the best thing to do is to understand the society that you are currently living in. Buy fashion magazines or sign up to online fashion magazines so you can stay in tune with fashion and piggyback off of anything that you consider desirable. You can also find clues to follow if you hone in on the best fashion tips online. As long as something in your wardrobe makes you feel confident and comfortable, it’s a building block that you can use to develop your own personal sense of style. Not all outfits are for every body type; you should work out your body type and dress yourself based on your place of comfort. This means you have to know your body and get to learn what looks good on you. To know your body means that you have to aware of your size and shape so that you can choose clothing that flatters your body. Once you move past this hurdle, you can tackle your wardrobe, revamping it to meet your new fashion goals.
Be observant
If you want to improve or enhance your personal sense of style, it’s best to be a good observer. Develop an eye for fashion. Pay close attention to what other people are into. That includes the specific colours that are trending and the different pieces of clothing. Look at how they are mixing and matching shoes, accessories, handbags and outfits. Pay keen attention to global fashion, not just fashion in your local area. Look at what your peers are wearing and put your own twist on it. Check out fashion blogs. Observe people on public transportation and in malls or restaurants and check out what they are wearing. From that, you will get some good ideas to create your own sense of style.
Find what resonates
If you want to improve your personal style and do it to suit your personality, then it’s best to examine different kinds of fashion statements. After you have done this, it’s best to determine the reason why the overall vibe is present and what makes the outfit so special. Is it the colour scheme? Is it the combination? Is it how the person wears it? It could be a number of reasons. This is exactly how you can train your eye for fashion. Observe and then pay attention to the whole outfit, from head to toe, to see what resonates with you.
Keep experimenting
You can copy someone else’s outfit and still make it your own. While you might be imitating fashion, you can add elements or take away anything that isn’t relevant or that doesn’t match your personality. Since not every outfit will accentuate your body type, you may have to experiment until you find the ones that do help you improve your personal sense of style. Don’t just settle for anything; work on it until you get it right. You will know when the look is suited to you. But most importantly, try to step outside your comfort zone and continue to experiment.
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