Getting ready for productive learning: How to read several books at the same time

The ability to read several books at the same moment can be useful, even at school. But it will be especially necessary at university since you will need to read a huge amount of books to get ready for exams. Here are some tips on how to do this correctly so that you do not feel confused. There are sequential steps that will help you to cope with studying.
Find the right time to read
Is it worth reading several books at the same time if you don’t even have time for one? To get started, find some time that can be devoted to reading. Some people remember that when they were a student, sometimes they had problems with this part. It happened because they had a lot of university assignments. And in such cases, they would ask this service to do their paper for them so that they had more time for reading.
Choose books
Literature should be chosen depending on your own preferences or depending on what subjects you urgently need to study. But remember that it will be much easier to read the following books:
Books that are somehow connected to each other by topic;
Books that are interesting to you. Returning to an interesting book is much easier than to the boring one.
Read the summary of a book
You can check an unfamiliar book by reading the summary or several pages at the beginning of the story. This will help determine how easy the author’s writing is to understand. Do not forget to pay attention to the table of contents. You can understand a lot from it and so sometimes it is worth looking at the introduction.
Master the reading technique
It is recommended to start reading books as soon as you buy them or borrowed them from the library. As long as you have an interest, it will be easier to keep new information in your head. The more you read in the first run, the better the impression you get from the content and not get confused.
Also, you can start reading several books at once in one day. But experts recommend that you start reading the second book before you finish reading the first one.
Combine books of different formats
Books of new, unusual formats and contents are more difficult to confuse. For example, in a car or public transport, listen to audiobooks. And carry a small travel paper book in your bag. Be sure to have several books in the appropriate format on your phone, etc.
Depending on the purpose for what you are going to read, try to mix up the styles. Choose difficult and easy-to-read works, books of different disciplines etc.
And be sure to consider the time of day when choosing a book. Experts say that if you plan to go to sleep soon, it is better to choose literature that you have already read before and know how it will end. Then it will be easier for you to postpone the book if you start wanting to fall asleep
The brain copes with the task of reading several books at the same time if reading occurs in different places. It works in the same way with different times of the day. Therefore, choose one book for morning reading, one for daytime reading and another for evening reading.
Read each book regularly
You should not pay more attention to one book than another. Otherwise, you will forget what you’ve read. But how do you get yourself to read a book on quantum mechanics when you always want to read the adventures of Sherlock Holmes? You just need to change your approach to reading. Try to start reading an uninteresting book at a separate time with other books of the same classification
Find the best time to stop
Try to read the chapter or paragraph to the end. And if they are too big, try to find the best place to stop. Reading the entire section at a time fixes it in the head. And not fully read information is more easily forgotten. It is not smart to read two books at the same time if the content of both turns into a mess.
Build an order
First, try to read books that you are likely to finish faster. And start new books after you’ve read the old ones. Otherwise, you will get a big stack of books that the brain will refuse to start reading. Also, try to make fewer stops when you are near the end of a book. The fact is that the ending is the most interesting part of a fiction book. And scientific literature also contains a lot of interesting conclusions and other important information.
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