What can CBD treats for dogs help with?

Learning that the cannabis industry is rapidly growing, what would be the first thought? Most people would probably think of its legalisation and picture someone smoking it all happy and content. That is, however, pretty far from the reality. Today’s topic is neither legalisation, nor smoking, but something much safer and much better.
Many haven’t heard about CBD dog treats already. Wait, let’s back up a little bit. Many haven’t even heard about cannabidiol and its use in the world of animals. This probably won’t come as a huge surprise, even if someone has heard about it for the first time. People have been benefiting from CBD for a while, so it was only a matter of time before our animals got to enjoy the same benefits.
That might have, once again, led people into a different direction. The benefits to be discussed here have nothing to do with “getting high”. It would be really irresponsible to start giving animals anything psychoactive, which is why people don’t do it and they will probably never do something as silly as that. These are a different kind of benefit, that have to do with our pets’ health and well-being.
What are CBD treats?
In order to understand exactly, take a closer look into the product known as CBD treats. After making sure of what these products are and how they are made, the benefits that come with them are made clear: more precisely, what CBD treats for dogs can actually help with.
First things first, though. CBD treats are products made from a compound known as Cannabidiol. That compound is found in the cannabis plant. More specifically, when the products for canines are in question, the compound is actually derived from hemp. Why is that piece of information so important, though?
There is a huge reason. Hemp is a plant known for having less than 0.3% of THC, which means that it isn’t psychoactive. If dog owners weren’t worried about this product harming their dog this way, it would be surprising. Still, there’s no reason for concern, partly because the low concentration of THC in hemp, but mostly because Cannabidiol is the compound that’s used in the production of CBD treats and there’s no sign of THC inside.
To learn some more about the benefits of hemp that have been discovered for people but are also true for animals, read more here.
What can it help with?
So, that is what CBD treats are and how safe they are for our dogs. There’s no need to worry about any side-effects because next to none were discovered in all those extensive studies that have been conducted. After that all has been made clear, it’s time to proceed to figuring out what CBD treats can actually help with.
Apart from these serving as a supplement for completely healthy canines, CBD treats can actually be of help when certain medical issues are in question. Nobody wants to think about their dog feeling unwell or getting ill, but the truth is that those things can easily happen and need to be dealt with. Let’s see what CBD can help deal with.
Most senior dogs, as well as many younger ones, can start suffering from arthritis at some point in their lives. When chronic arthritis is in question, it cannot be cured, but some of its symptoms might be successfully eliminated. Speaking of symptoms, arthritis comes with a lot of pain based in the inflamed joints. That can also impair a canine’s overall mobility. This page can offer some more info about the disease.
CBD treats have proved to be a powerful tool against the inflammation and the pain that comes with arthritis. This means that the product will ease the pain and also help dogs become more active in the process. Treating the symptoms is the first step towards treating the whole condition and CBD treats play a huge role in that process.
Statistically speaking, the percentage of dogs suffering from epileptic seizures is rather small: less than 1%. That’s a good thing, but it isn’t a guarantee that a dog won’t develop these issues. If it does, however, a solution can be in the back pocket. Of course, one should always consult a veterinarian as to what to do in those cases, but CBD treats can be of huge help.
Cannabidiol is an anticonvulsant, meaning that it can not only reduce vomiting and diarrhoea, but also reduce the number of epileptic seizures that the dog is experiencing, as well as their severity. That’s a huge step forward when the treatment of this condition is in question. Over time, the seizures might be able to be completely eliminated with the help of CBD treats.
One of the things that someone might not have expected to hear is that dogs can fairly easily develop anxiety disorders. Luckily, CBD treats have shown to be really effective in easing the symptoms of this disease. That helps a pet be more happy, which has an overall positive impact on its general health and well-being.
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