Things to consider before purchasing diamond engagement rings

All of us desire to find that special someone who sets off fireworks in our hearts and makes butterflies dance in our stomach. If you’re one of the luckier ones who finally found that person and has their heart set on sealing the deal with a diamond ring to prove your love, then you’ve come to the right place!
Since a diamond engagement ring is a significant investment, take a look at the most crucial things you first need to consider before commencing your ring-searching journey.
Settings and gems are sold separately
This comes as a shock to a lot of people, but it’s true: the ring and the stone are sold separately.
Most people assume that they need to look for that perfect diamond that will sweep their significant other right off their feet, often thinking that the ring for the diamond will automatically come with it. However, this is not the case.
Although a lot of antique rings have been fashioned in this manner, and there are particular jewellers today who also do the same, most shops you go to will sell you each item individually.
So, make sure that you keep the pricing for both the setting and the gem in mind before making a purchase.
Know the different qualities
To ensure that you’re buying the best diamond for your loved one, you must be familiar with the 4Cs when it comes to quality. These include the following:
Cut: This will tell you how well your diamond was cut into the shape it is in now. The cut determines how your diamond absorbs and reflects light.
Colour: This is the measure of how colourless your diamond is. The lesser the colour in your diamond, the brighter it is, and the higher its quality.
Clarity: Clarity refers to both internal and external perfection. A diamond free of any blemishes both on the outside and inside will have high clarity.
Carat: This is a term that’s relatively well-known amongst people. Carat is the weight of your diamond, and it will tell you how significant your precious stone is.
Out of the 4Cs, the cut is usually the most significant because it measures how much your diamond reflects light. If it doesn’t have a good cut, then the stone will look dull and small in all environments.
To know more about diamonds and the 4Cs, you can visit the website of a reputable store like
Keep your budget in mind
The key thing when buying a diamond is to purchase one that you and your partner will truly love. Couples tend to get caught up in price tags and other people’s opinions rather than focusing on purchasing a ring that will make them both happy. Keep in mind that you don’t need to spend an extravagant amount of cash on buying your significant other a diamond ring. Instead, choose a relatively lower budget option that satisfies both of you.
Remember that the ring will go on your partner’s hand, not the hands of other people.
Consider your partner’s taste
If you’re not ring shopping with your partner and have instead opted for the much more romantic route of surprising your loved one, it’s best to plan ahead and be thoughtful. Remember that the ring which you choose for your partner is the one they’ll be wearing for the rest of their lives.
There are many inspiring diamond engagement ring ideas you can find to choose the ring your partner will love. But how do you know what your partner wants? There are two ways to find out:
If you can do it subtly, you can try to slip the question in between conversations in a way that your partner won’t discover your surprise.
But if you lack subtlety, or don’t want to risk alerting them to the surprise, then it’s best to ask a friend to inquire for you casually.
Choose the right ring
The secret to buying the perfect diamond also includes the quality of the ring, but most people forget that. Remember, the diamond may be the star of the show, but the ring itself can make or break the diamond’s appeal depending on how well it complements the stone.
There are a few different colours you can choose from:
You can opt for the traditional yellow-gold colour, which is still considered a classic.
White-gold is another beautiful colour available for purchase. One advantage it has over yellow-gold is that it’s more durable.
If you and your partner are trendy fashionistas, then rose gold is the perfect pick for you.
It’s the latest craze in the market of rings because of its ingenious blend of gold and pink.
You can also choose to purchase a platinum ring if your partner prefers a simplistic look.
Go on the ring picking journey!
Before buying a diamond engagement ring, it’s best to first consider the factors mentioned above to know if you’re making the right purchase. After all, getting engaged is a milestone in a couple’s life, so avoid making rash decisions. Keep these tips in mind during your ring-searching journey.
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