Artificial Intelligence: A development hitting theatrical creations

Over the last few years, artificial intelligence provided a wide array of different industries with new-found possibilities. From gaming to sports, few can argue that the simulation of human processes hasn’t altered the outlook of various sectors. Interestingly, the computer-driven process has gradually made its way into theatres, with the industry seeking to embrace the technology’s forward-thinking approach. So, let’s take a look at how the form of performing art could integrate AI over the coming years.
Is AI the future of live theatre?
Since the origins of theatre productions, the creative arts have been planned, performed and written by humans. While, of course, this will predominantly continue to be the case in future, advancements to simulated developments have opened the door to a revolutionary era of on-stage entertainment. Fascinatingly, this is evident from the emergence of Improbotics. The tech-infused improvised group centre their on-stage productions around the workings of an AI-powered chatbot, according to their website.
Fundamentally, this means that none of the performers knows what they’re about to do when they get on stage. Although this is a significant move away from traditional theatre that rose to prominence over 2,500 years ago, the human-simulated style is undeniably refreshing. The unknown represents a sense of challenge that scripted shows don’t replicate.
Furthermore, aside from real-time improvisation altering contemporary theatre, AI’s potential to write an entire play has also been under consideration. At the time of writing, this is something that researchers in Prague are striving to make a reality. Whether this is the future, however, remains to be seen. As per Tech Xplore, computer-powered scripting of productions may be a step too far at present, with human supervision likely to be required.
How about other forms of entertainment?
Concerning cinematic productions, AI is also beginning to have a significant impact on approaches. Given the time-saving potential of the technology, it’s hardly surprising that numerous markets have sought to implement the software. In recent times, Hollywood has sought to use the simulated advancement to help determine which movies to make and which performers to hire. Fundamentally, a program called Cinelytic achieves this. The development enables directors to visualise how appointing different actors and actresses could alter a film’s box office performance, according to The Verge.
Moreover, diverse gaming streams are also paying more attention to the power of AI because of its efficient nature. In turn, the technology has revolutionised numerous online gaming operators. For example, this is evident from week-long, automated customer support across platforms. Additionally, many modern-day titles, including Starburst, also utilise simulated software.
AI in theatre requires time and patience
Ultimately, while AI has made strides forwards in theatrical productions, it has yet to fully established itself as an industry-changing advancement. That said, concerning a new wave of improvised shows, simulated systems have added a lighthearted style to the industry that will likely appeal to the next generation of theatregoers.
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