What is fat freezing and can it help me lose weight?

Lots of us struggle with our weight and how we look. Living hectic and busy lives it can be really difficult to eat a healthy diet, exercise and enjoy yourself simultaneously. Weight gain became particularly easy during lockdown due to the need to stay at home, closed gyms, lack of time outside and extra eating caused by pure boredom.
It’s something that can become a real burden for people that just want to shift those few extra pounds but can’t quite do it. New, non-surgical, treatments are becoming popular to help this issue for those who don’t want to go under the knife.
One of these treatments is fat freezing, which despite its rather intimidating name is becoming one of the most popular techniques to reduce body fat without surgery. It’s used by the likes of Gemma Collins and Khloé Kardashian and can target those hard to shift areas of fat.
Fat freezing, or cryolipolysis, is an alternative option to liposuction. It does pretty much exactly what it says, fat cells are frozen for a set period of time in the aim to reduce them. Its origins are interesting, as it came from research on frostbite. It was discovered that when cells are frozen, fat cells would freeze before the skin would freeze.
Patients are able to choose specific problem areas, whether that be arms, stomach or thighs, and it’s then administered by an experienced professional. In a typical session a patient would lie down for a set period of time, around an hour, and cooling suction heads are put on the skin to crystallise the fat cells. So, not painful, but a tad uncomfortable.
So, the question you’re all thinking, does it actually work? If done safely by an experienced professional, fat freezing can indeed help you lose weight. The fat freezing treatment London guru Gabi from 3DLipo said: “You can achieve fat reduction and an improved waistline, overall good results generally on the chosen area.”
However, as with many cosmetic treatments, results can vary from person to person and it may take a few weeks or months to notice a change. Of course, this is not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle and should be done alongside eating a healthy diet and doing plenty of exercise. Results should last if you remain weight stable after the treatment.
It’s found to be a good alternative to surgical treatments as it requires no downtime, you just do the treatment and you’re ready to carry on with your day. This makes it appealing to those leading a busy life.
If this sounds like something for you, then 3DLipo offers this treatment. Here a physician will take the time to understand the areas of your body you want to target and will discuss a holistic approach on how to improve them in other aspects of your life. The sessions last 60 minutes and you are able to repeat sessions until you achieve the desired shape.
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