Everything you need to know about an employment agency

Most law firms depend largely on the resources and expertise of an employment agency which are well-placed to find them top talent. This is because it is the business of recruitment agencies to know the legal markets. This means that they have comparative advantages about know-how, time and information for any successful career planning and recruitment.
These merits have made professionals who are busy with their own practices, to depend on recruitment agencies when navigating the daunting, murky, legal market. Below are five things to know while dealinf with an employment agency.
Keep it on the down low
This is about confidentiality. If working with a good recruiter, the default position should be that any information will only be shared consensually. When dealing with a less–than–honorable variety, it’s better to set this out to the recruiter.
However, the biggest red flag is where the recruiter is not interested in knowing your next move. They are likely not going to respect any confidentiality if they don’t respect your wishes.
Apart from sharing any information without your consent, a good recruiter will also not in breach of privacy: using your work email without prior consent, calling you at work without being discreet, or contacting referees.
Mind your manners
This is a condition which plagues some job seekers. It’s a rare condition which is very unappealing and is known as “entitlement”. It takes the form of demanding behavior and high expectations without any effort in return. When dealing with recruiters, this condition does not get job seekers any far.
Some potential candidates fail to know that recruitment agencies differ from placement agencies. Job seekers pay placement agencies to help them in finding a job, give them their resume and be at their beck and call. On the other side, an employment agency is paid by employers to do candidate screening, be at their beck, call and finally get them the right employee. It’s clear that a temp agency Toronto needs a strong relationship between clients and candidates for it to be successful.
It’s nothing personal
Every person needs the unglamorous life of any service provider. When hired, you should provide guidance in your area of specialisation, at best you become the creative facilitator, at worst you are like an over-educated lackey. Stunted glory is something each service provider is hired to do –giving the clients their exact requirements, what they are able to manage.
It is very important to have this in mind while interacting with recruiters. Especially if you ever suffered disappointments in the recruiter’s hands .Most likely, the recruiter follows precise instructions, without making any personal judgements of your abilities.
There is always some leniency in the criteria set out in the job description, however the recruiter’s judgement will be in question if they give out a person who doesn’t fit the bill. Therefore, before you try convincing the recruiter why you are the best fit for the corporate counsel role, always remember their position. Still remember that as a potential candidate your judgement is also essential as you apply for the postings.
Help us help you
As long as you cooperate with your temp agency Toronto, you will do well. This means a lot of things like being communicative, responsive and check-ins with your recruiter. More importantly be honest, this is because most breaches of trust occur from dishonest candidates about being let go.
When you are honest with your recruiter, they help you manage all negative forces of being let go, also master the referee’s support and help in making your case easy.
An unfortunate design flaws
Encounters with newly called lawyers who have fresh trauma and eager to secure an associate position is the greatest respite from brushes with entitlement. This is because they are completely opposite of the entitled. It’s so unfortunate that recruiters are not able to help them.
It is a design flaw borne because employers do recruit new calls on their own. There is a large pool of new calls which constitute an investment and not an immediate asset. Therefore, employers in such cases tend to avoid an employment agency fee.
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