Ten tips that could help believers to avoid temptation

Temptation can be a struggle for someone to deal with throughout life. When it comes to it, religions have different views. Some profess that people are attracted by the momentary benefits of sins, losing sight of what they consider spiritual damage. Whether someone is religious or not, support is something that can always help. There are always ways people can get better. What could help?
Knowing what one’s specific temptations are
Some Christians consider certain behaviour to be sinful. They may experience situations and moments that make them start feeling that sense of urgency to stray from what they believe is the Christian path. For those who this applies to, it could be useful to write down what those moments are. Identifying what those specific moments are could help one be better able to develop a plan of action. In addition, they may want to think about the deeper flaws that cause them to be tempted in those situations. Perhaps one of the causes of one succumbing to temptations is based on a difficultly they have with prioritising pleasure over responsibility. Speaking with a spiritual leader such as a pastor or an elder may help them to come to a better understanding.
Planning how to avoid the situations that cause a believer to sin
Knowing one’s specific temptations, a believer can start coming up with a plan on how to avoid them. In some cases, that may mean avoiding certain people who are a negative influence. Keeping oneself in settings and circumstances that limit their likelihood of sinning could be beneficial for practising Christians. If one struggles with cursing, they may want to make it a goal to avoid situations that make them too upset. They may also be advised not to spend too much time around those who use curse words, and to decide on some alternative words to use whenever they feel upset.
Setting goals for dealing with one’s temptations
For a Christian, an important part of making progress in getting better at resisting one’s temptations is to have a goal to aim for. It is advised by spiritual leaders that believers bear in mind that they will never be able to achieve perfection in avoiding sin, as setting one’s goals too high can put one at risk of disappointment and lower their self-esteem. It is recommended by the Church to set goals that are reasonable and achievable. One might start by making it something they strive to succeed at for a whole day. Once this is accomplished, one can build their progress from there with a higher goal.
Asking for advice
A member of the Christian faith never has to fight their battles with temptation alone. According to religious teaching, they have God to help them with their fight by asking for His help in prayer. Believers are advised to ask God to show them ways in which they can better handle temptations. After praying to God, the next best help that Christians might seek is that of a spiritual leader. Church pastors are there to help give spiritual guidance and wisdom in how their congregation can better live out their faith. One can also consider turning to a spiritual counsellor, a family member, or a close friend. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness. Everyone needs help sometimes, and it’s okay to ask for it.
Living an active life
According to the Christian faith, one of the main reasons people fall into temptation is because they allow themselves too much time to consider it. As the old saying goes, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” It is advised that believers find ways to keep themselves busy with hobbies or spiritual activities, especially those done with other people. That way, one has less time to be alone and feel tempted because of boredom. One could also then focus more on their studies or their job.
In addition, some might want to attempt a new activity they haven’t tried, such as learning a new language or playing a new instrument. One doesn’t need to occupy all of their free time, but simply to find a decent amount of activities to do to ward off perceived temptation. If a Christian is really struggling to think of something to do, they can always volunteer at their local church, a charity, school, or a community centre.
Looking for encouragement in holy texts
The Bible has many stories and teachings that can encourage people during their struggles with temptation. 1 Corinthians 10:13 instructs Christians that God will never let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. It goes on to explain that He will always provide a way out for people to endure. Many other verses remind believers how much God is there for people who struggle with temptation. Additionally, there are numerous examples of people who fell to temptation, which can remind people again that they’re not alone in what they’re going through.
Having accountability partners
Just as seeking advice from someone can be helpful, it can also help to have someone in one’s life to hold them accountable. It’s understandable for a Christian not to share what specific sin they are struggling with, as some can be very personal. If one doesn’t feel comfortable sharing their specific sin struggles, they may simply ask for support with their struggles with sin in general. The Church encourages people to seek out a mature Christian as an accountability partner.
It can be a pastor or another member of one’s church. A Christian might mention to this person that they are struggling with sin, and have that person pray for them and check up on them from time to time. Once a week is a suitable time frame. According to the Christian Chruch, it is best to be as honest as possible about when one has failed in resisting temptation as it is detrimental to lie about one’s progress. Lastly, it’s important that this accountability partner won’t harshly judge a person when they fail at times.
Not dwelling on mistakes
According to the Bible, sometimes people are going to succumb to temptation and commit sin. The book also states that whenever someone sins, God is ready to forgive them and keep loving them. Key is asking for forgiveness.
Once one has sought forgiveness and repented, the Church teaches them to figure out how to avoid the temptation next time and do better. According to religious teaching, dwelling on one’s failures will only keep one feeling down about themself and make it harder for them to stay motivated in resisting. Just as others in the Bible sinned, sought forgiveness, and moved on, believers are advised to do so too.
Taking care of oneself
According to Cristianity, it’s important to take care of oneself well so they can feel strong and energised to do their best in resisting sin. It’s important to get enough sleep at night so one can have a rested mind that can make wise judgments. It’s also recommended to do more exercising to build up the endorphins in one’s body that make us feel good. It is said that one’s chances of resisting temptation are better when one feels happier than when they feel sad. Eating well and having healthy relationships in one’s life can also influence the happiness level.
Christians may want to find different ways to relax to manage their stress levels better. One recommended way to relax is by listening to calming worship music. It is not just calming for believers, but can also reportedly help one stay focused on acting righteously. One might also watch a funny movie to lighten their mood. While one can’t always feel good or not feel stressed, one can always do their best to manage their emotions.
Having faith
According to Christian teaching, doubting one’s ability to do better in resisting temptation won’t help them to do so. The Bible instructs Christians to flee from sin and resist the devil. As such, the Church believes that God wouldn’t have instructed these things if He didn’t think his followers could do it. For Christians, it’s essential to have faith that one can get better at not falling into temptation. The Bible concedes that Great spiritual leaders like Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul failed to resist sin at one time, but they still went on to be successful obedient followers of God.
The Christian Church teaches that sin is something believers have to learn to accept will happen in their lives. Despite that, by continuing to pray, study the Word, and seek support from others, Christians may improve their resistance to temptation and develop a holier lifestyle over time.
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