Relationship tips in a time of lockdown

2020 has been difficult for everyone. Whether you are in a relationship, and therefore forced to spend every waking moment with your other half for weeks on end, or are single with no means of meeting someone new; It hasn’t been the best year. Yet this doesn’t mean that all is lost. If you are single, there are still many things you can do during lockdown and you can also appreciate all the time you have to focus on self-healing and being yourself. Here are some useful tips for being single in during the pandemic
Allow yourself some me-time
When we aren’t in lockdown, there are constant pressures to go out, do things and see people. Particularly when you are single and there is the chance to go and meet other potential future boyfriends or girlfriends at the same time. There is nothing worse than wanting to stay in and have a night to yourself, but feeling you’ll be missing out if you don’t go. Now that no one is allowed out, you can guilt-free spend time focusing on yourself. Whether you want to spend an evening watching films in your joggers, take a leisurely candle-lit bath – or even giving yourself some self-loving with a dildo – the possibilities are endless. This is guilt-free indulgence so make the most of it.
Don’t be afraid to try virtual dates
Virtual first dates are now a thing and are a great way to get to know someone else without any of the awkward or inconvenient moments that usually come with a first date. No one has to worry about fronting the bill, you don’t need to carry some mints for fresh breath, and there is no wind and rain to wreak havoc on your painstakingly applied makeup. Instead, you can decide together what you will do, from watching a film together, just chatting, or ordering the same takeout and spend an evening getting to know each other this way. Whether it comes to anything or not is another story, but it’s always nice to have some company and do something a little different.
Take the time to think about what you really want from a relationship
Without any outside distractions or pressures to meet someone, you can take the time to think about what you really want for a relationship. Think about your past partners and why they did or didn’t work. Do you keep going for the same sort of people? Do patterns keep emerging? Think of what has gone wrong and what you want from a relationship in the future. If you go into your next romantic venture with this in mind, you are less likely to make the same mistakes again and will be much happier in the long run. Being made to wait to do the normal things in a relationship can mean that you get to realise what is really important and what is not so much.
These are just a few tips to think about if you are single during lockdown. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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