Easy to learn skills that can earn you money

Undeniably, 2020 hasn’t been all roses and bliss for a lot of people. With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to unravel, situations are getting rougher and bleaker. Covering bills, paying school fees, pulling up shopping and staying afloat financially has turned out to be a challenge to many.
One big lesson everyone seems to have learned is having a side hustle is imperative.
Having an extra source of income means that getting laid off or losing a job won’t be much of a big deal. Rest assured that bills will still be covered. The best part is, finding an extra source of income doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply learn a skill and make money out of it.
This post will look at some of the easiest skills to learn and how to get the best out of them.
Start barbering
A barbershop is a good example of a lucrative and sustainable business. Fashion styles may not last forever but haircuts are here to stay. Despite the state of the economy or the season of the year, people will always need their hair attended to.
Simply put, a haircut is a basic necessity. For that reason, delving into the hair cutting business is a prudent move. Whether it’s a side hustle or the main source of income, the business will be reliable.
Starting a barbershop doesn’t demand much. Here’s all it takes:
1) Learning how to trim. Even though becoming an A-list barber requires practice and experience, learning to tackle basic hairstyles takes only two to three months. Enroll in a private course or apprenticeship or take a barber course at a college or university.
2) Finding the ideal working premises. Obviously, everyone wants high returns from a barbershop. The ideal location should therefore be a high-traffic area. Depending on the amount of traffic, rent can vary between £200 and £1000 per month. Just to be safe, set aside a budget of £750.
3) Purchasing equipment. Here’s a rough shopping list to get up and running: A barber chair, cosmetic products, fabric sheets, apron, towels, waiting seats and most importantly, one of the best hair clippers as listed by wisebarber.com.
Try photography
In an era where photos have become a “basic need”, photography has evolved into a goldmine.
Has photography always been a hobby? Well, it’s time that hobby starts paying. Here are some proven ways to earn as a photographer:
1) Shoot/cover events
2) Conduct photoshoots
3) Start a photography blog
4) Sell photos to magazines
5) Sell photos on stock websites
6) Teach photography skills
For starters, a camera is needed. Luckily as low as £150 is enough to buy a quality camera. Thereafter, learn how to take quality shots through YouTube videos and web tutorials. Practice every day and watch online tutorials. Photography is all about passion and effort. Within no time it’s possible to start earning money.
Become a freelancer
Lastly, this one is for those who are skillful and internet-savvy. Freelancing is one of the easiest ways to make money online. It can be a part-time or full-time job. Services to offer as a freelancer include article writing, transcription, digital marketing, graphic design and many others.
There are so many freelance platforms out there to use to get work. To get started, pay for professional training or self train. Here’s more information on how to begin freelancing.
These are some simple skills that can be learnt quickly and make fast money. Don’t let a regular job limit you. Learn a unique skill and gain some financial freedom and stability.
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