What is the role of education in cultural development?

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In such turbulent times, when studying seems really difficult for many people, it’s best to keep in mind why education is so important. One thing that couldn’t be possible without education is cultural development. Cultural development is essential for a community’s economic growth, so when the economy is under such a strain as it is now, it’s important to pay extra attention to cultural development. Here are a few ways how education affects cultural development.
Culture preservation
Perhaps the most important role of education in cultural development is cultural preservation. In order to preserve a culture, certain cultural norms, traditions and beliefs should be passed along to the new generations. Students in schools get to learn their communities’ values and ethics, which is necessary for them as members of society. If a country’s population is well-educated, there are more people who are competent enough to create cultural artefacts that will be able to convey the country’s beliefs and ideas, which will lead to a generation that understands and values its culture. Shaping a culture is a process that takes at least a few centuries and to develop as a society its important to learn from its ancestors.
Critical Thinking
However, high-quality education shouldn’t just ensure that students know everything that their community has already created. It should also provide young people with the tools that are necessary for a critical assessment of the country’s past and present. By learning from the mistakes of their ancestors, people are able to make better decisions in the present time. Besides, critical thinking and analytical skills are crucial for the ability and willingness to create something new. People who are aware of their culture’s needs and distinctive features can create new businesses and technology that will help their society evolve even further. At the same time, someone who knows and understands their history and culture is more likely to create art that will be representative of the country’s current state. Finally, a good understanding of their culture is imperative for politicians, whose job is to ensure their society’s prosperity.
Understanding diversity
In order to fully appreciate a culture and be able to reflect on it, one also needs to be familiar with other cultures. By getting to know other cultures, people can further strengthen the bond with their own culture and develop their cultural identities. Other cultures can also be an example of where another culture should be headed. By learning about prosperous countries and communities, it’s possible to see what values and strategies they have implemented in order to get there, so lessons can be learned from other counties. If a person grows to learn that their own beliefs are much better aligned with another culture, they might consider immigrating to a place where they will feel more comfortable.
However, it’s also important to respect cultures that are very different and are not aligned with the same beliefs and principles. That’s where subjects such as geography and history come in hand. In one way or another, every culture is a product of its past, so knowing a place’s history can give a different perspective on its present. Every person in the 21st century should be familiar with concepts such as colonialism and slavery in order to understand the dynamics between different countries and cultures. Religion is another big topic that doesn’t get discussed enough in schools, even though understanding world religions can be a very effective way to minimise religion-based conflicts in the future.
Since everyone is living in the age of multiculturalism, knowing about other cultures is becoming more and more important. Many countries and cities are home to dozens or even hundreds of different cultures at the same time, so understanding the cultural background of other people in a community is necessary for peaceful cohabitation. For example, students in one classroom may all have different ideas of what kind of behaviour is acceptable, what clothing is appropriate or what kind of food is normal. By getting familiar with other cultures and their norms, people can also learn to become more well-rounded and tolerant of other cultures.
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