Finding a virtual assistant in the UK
Now more than ever, virtual assistants are needed. It’s more practical for a business to have a virtual assistant than to have a full-time executive assistant. More importantly is how to find the right virtual assistant for specific business and personal needs. Don’t just wing it.
This guide will help determine business needs and how to find qualified virtual assistants in the UK.
Do you need a virtual assistant?
There are some telltale signs that someone may need to hire a virtual assistant.
Take a moment to consider productivity levels and everyday tasks in order to understand what’s needed from a virtual assistant. To make this easier, this list will show whether a virtual assistant is needed or not.
The common signs that you need a virtual assistant are:
1) Administrative tasks are overtaking focus on building the business.
2) Failure to balance work and personal life.
3) Losing track of smaller, yet important tasks due to distraction.
4) Doing administrative tasks that someone else could do better.
5) Inability to catch up with all the work needed for the business.
6) The business has clients or employees in different time zones.
Do any of these signs sound familiar? If so, consider hiring a virtual assistant.
A virtual assistant will help with the daily administrative tasks while you focus on the bigger picture. Work life and personal life can be balanced a lot better this way.
Are you ready to hire a virtual assistant?
Recognising the need for a virtual assistant is one thing, but assessing whether you are actually ready to hire one is another. Being ready to hire a virtual assistant means that you:
1) Are financially capable of affording a virtual assistant.
2) Are mentally willing to slowly let go of control.
3) Have policies in place to ensure the success of the partnership.
4) Have realistic expectations of what a virtual assistant can/can’t do.
Hiring a virtual assistant means letting go of control at times instead of trying to do everything. However, it’s normal to still be involved with what a virtual assistant does because they may need moments-notice guidance, especially in the beginning. Once you have realistic expectations and know exactly what’s needed, it’s time to find a qualified and experienced virtual assistant.
How to hire a virtual assistant
Now that the needs of the business are known and you have realistic expectations, it’s time to hire a virtual assistant that matches the needs of the business.
There are agencies that vet virtual assistant candidates and provides access to them. It is the one-stop-shop for all virtual assistant needs. It’s important to hire a virtual assistant through a credible, legitimate agency because there will be stronger candidates to choose from. For those living in the UK and who would prefer to have a virtual assistant who lives in the UK as well, then this is the best place to find them.
If this guide is followed carefully, it’ll be easy to find an assistant who meets the needs of a business.
Pearl M Kasirye