Help the environment and your wallet by reducing water use

With climate change becoming a more pressing issue every year, it’s never been more important for everyone to try and reduce their impact on the environment. One of the ways that everyone can make a difference is to reduce the amount of water used. The UK experiences so much rain that it’s sometimes easy to forget how precious water is and how vital it is to try and conserve it. So, here are some top tips for how to cut down on water usage through simple lifestyle changes, benefiting both the environment and bank balances!
Simple steps to use less water
There are lots of little changes everyone can make that over time will make a big difference. For example, by switching off the tap when brushing teeth or shaving, showering instead of taking a bath and keeping showers short, it’s possible to save a huge amount of water in the long run. Fixing dripping taps and leaky toilets can also help to save a surprising amount without making any lifestyle changes at all.
In the kitchen, try to avoid overfilling the kettle when making hot drinks to save both water and energy. Only using the dishwasher and washing machine when there’s a full load can also help with this. By putting the lid on saucepans when cooking it can reduce the amount of water lost through evaporation and also help food to cook more quickly.
In the summer months, keep a jug of tap water in the fridge so that there’s always chilled water available without the need to run the tap until it cools down sufficiently. When there’s any leftover water in drinking glasses be sure to give it to houseplants rather than throwing it down the drain! Those with gardens can use a water butt (or even just a bucket) to catch rainwater and use it to water plants both inside and outside.
Get help from gadgets
There are also some great gadgets available that be used to help you be more water-efficient. For example, if a supplier offers one, consider switching to a water meter so that it can be seen exactly how much water is being used – and how much it’s costing. This can be a good incentive to cut down on water use and also help reduce the cost of water bills. Business water prices in particular can be high, so finding ways to be more water-efficient as a company can also be a big help.
Another idea is to invest in a water-efficient shower head, which uses less water without compromising on power. Some water suppliers also provide free displacement devices that sit in the cistern of a toilet to reduce the amount of water used in each flush. Finally, when using the washing machine or dishwasher always use an eco-setting where possible and invest in eco-friendly models when replacing household appliances.
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