Massimo Bottura’s Food for Soul refettorios begin to operate in New York and San Francisco ahead of 2021 opening

Food for Soul, the non-profit organisation founded by chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore, is excited to announce the first activities of the two brand new refettorios – one in Harlem, New York and another in San Francisco, California – which will officially open in 2021.
Despite the global health crisis that this year has seen, Food for Soul’s either refettorios around the world have continued to operate – even here in London at St Cuthbert’s – and care for those who are most vulnerable. The organisation works collaboratively with local non-profit organisations, artists, chefs and companies. Food for Soul improves social well being and the sustainability of food systems whilst providing culinary training and workforce opportunities for those facing economic barriers.
This Thanksgiving week, the refettorios are working with local partners Youth Action YouthBuild and Hot Bread Kitchen in Harlem and Farming Hope in San Francisco to serve community meals to those who are vulnerable and facing isolation. These amazing grassroots efforts offer a moment of respite to celebrate the power of food, art and culture to create social change.
Chef’s Table Massimo Bottura, founder of Food for Soul said: “Imagine a jam session where the most amazing artists are performing, all together, to lift up the souls. What we’re doing is exactly the same, a song of collaboration which is unifying Food for Soul efforts and our partners to take action. We’re building our new Refettorios’ walls, but we cannot stand aside in a moment when communities need us the most.”
Food for Soul is a cultural project and the driving force behind it is not just about the amount of meals served, but the compassion, hospitality and beauty behind each meal served. It’s about making sure no individual gets left behind in the face of the global pandemic.
The editorial unit
Photo: Simon Owen
For further information visit the Food for Soul website here.