Six lockdown dating tips

As the pandemic we’ve been situated within for the majority of the year extends into an opaque future, it can be easy to grow hopeless when thinking about whether things will return to their previous states. Dating can feel difficult even during the best of times, so one shouldn’t be too hard on themselves if they feel their dating life isn’t going as planned currently. As countriew across the world enter a new lockdown, here are some tips for those who are single but can’t mingle.
1. Virtual video dates
Though first dates typically used to not occur in one’s home, it has become increasingly popular to go on virtual dates with others from their own sitting room. To differentiate this Zoom call from others, plan to order a take-away meal from perhaps the same restaurant, or purchase the matching ingredients to cook dinner together while video chatting, adding a unique element to the date night.
2. Have important conversations early on
When taking the next step in a relationship that started during this tumultuous time, it’s important to consider and discuss both parties’ perspectives and follow surrounding lockdown guidelines. Having these conversations upfront and early on will strengthen the relationship and make sure both involved are on the same page about future meet-ups and the trajectory of the relationship.
3. Dating apps
As random encounters have largely been eliminated due to lockdown measures, now more than ever dating apps have become an integral part of contemporary matchmaking. Smartphone apps like Tinder, Grindr, Bumble and Hinge are great places to start for anyone new to the dating app scene. However if one finds themselves sick of swiping, it could be an interesting idea to set up a blind virtual date for a friend, and vice versa.
4. Keep it playful
While important conversations play a major role in laying the foundations of a relationship, it’s really important to keep things playful too. Every now and then ask your date what they like to do for fun. Yes, many games are usually done in “real life” but things have changed in 2020 and even the most unexpected people have started to enjoy videogames.
5. Lockdown date ideas
If a first – or second, or third – virtual date went well, the pair might find themselves wanting to meet up in person. This could be accomplished by grabbing a coffee and meeting in an open, outdoor space like a park, or going for a serene, long walk together. A bike ride along the waterfront or in the countryside – depending on where the couple is located – concluded by a packed picnic meal could also be a romantic lockdown date.
6. Building intimacy while socially distanced
While many equate intimacy with touch, it can be nurtured in other forms as well. Basic human behaviours such as sharing, eye contact, having open conversations and laughter are all ways individuals connect to each other from a distance. To encourage these intimacy-building traits, those on early dates could feature conversation- rather than action-based activities such as the famous “36 questions to fall in love” list.
While of course dating ideally would involve more spontaneous in-person encounters than carefully planned, socially distanced moments, it’s important to take into account the uncertainty of our current state. Use these tips to innovate your dating life and foster new relationships during this stretch of unpredictability.
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