Still a trend: Thick eyebrows

Some might be saying, “well, you’re late!” Thick eyebrows have been in fashion for years now. But the thing is that the trend is still going strong. There was a time when people used to pick their eyebrows, wax em’, tweeze em’ and whatnot. The aversion to thick brows was so much that after the plucking was done, a barely visible line was left behind. In came celebrities and the trend changed. Cara Delevingne and Madonna could probably be called the pioneers of the thick eyebrow trend. Those who are thinking of making their eyebrows thicker and simply can’t due to a bunch of reasons, it’s always possible to have an eyebrow transplant.
Eyebrows are an important part of the facial features of every person. Their shape and size play an important role in creating a bold look. One study even shows that men see women with thicker eyebrows as more attractive. Fuller, thicker brows help to accentuate the beauty of the eyes. Just as some men find it difficult to grow a thick beard, many women struggle with thin, sparse brows. Trying and filling them up through makeup can be quite time-consuming. There are different things that can be tried out such as microblading, oils and serums, other than eyebrow transplants to thicken them.
You can apply some healthy oils
To promote eyebrow hair growth, try applying some oils. Many people oil their scalps to do just that while ensuring ample moisturisation and nourishment of the hair. Using sweet almond oil before going to bed can be helpful in this regard. Just dip a Q-tip into the oil and gently apply to the brows, then wash your face in the morning. Results will start to be seen in about two weeks. Other than almond oil, try using castor oil, which is full of fatty acids, minerals, vitamin E, proteins and loads of other good stuff. Apply it to the eyebrows for half an hour and then wipe it off.
Nowhere is the mention of hair growth complete without coconut oil. Whether it is the hair on the head, eyelashes or eyebrows, the fatty acids and vitamin E in coconut oil know how to work their magic. Next up is vitamin A and E-rich olive oil. It’s good to eat and good to lather onto eyebrows.
You can always have an eyebrow transplant
The thing about makeup is that sure it will provide thick eyebrows for a few hours, maybe even a day. But the moment the makeup is removed, everything will be just the same as before. To get eyebrows on fleek, it’s necessary to repeat the same time-consuming process. So, rather than going through this mundane routine every single day, perhaps choose a surgical option, which is an eyebrow transplant. Through this, eyebrows will always be on fleek. It’s then possible to effortlessly flaunt them without or with makeup.
In this, the surgeon takes the hair follicles from the backside of the hair and transplants them to the eyebrows. After some time, one can even pluck them to the desired shape. This is a convenient option for those with damaged eyebrows to the extent that they can’t be returned to their original shape and size.
You can choose microblading
Microblading involves a semi-permanent tattoo in the shape of the eyebrows. This tattoo isn’t exactly permanent in that after one-three years the body will metabolise the dye. So, in order to retain the look, it’s necessary to get the procedure repeatedly. This lack of permanence might not be considered desirable by many. However, why not experiment with it if to see how your eyebrows would look if they were permanently filled up through a transplant. Anyway, this is another option to consider if eyebrows lack density. For those worried about it being painful, just know that it actually doesn’t hurt that much.
Concluding remarks
The way eyebrows dance to the moods of the mind and body is a beauty in itself. This simple feature can be so expressive and dominant, especially if it stands out by being bushy. One downside of beauty trends is that they’re fickle. In a matter of seconds, a phenomenon becomes viral and everyone tries to jump on the bandwagon. For so long, women with thick, luscious brows didn’t feel comfortable with their looks. However, some beauty trends have increased acceptance of many things that were once considered unattractive. That’s definitely good.
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