Petrol heads: How to prep a vehicle for a car show

Car shows are a good way for enthusiasts to meet and show off their vehicles, but for those who have never been to a car show, there can be some confusion about how best to prepare their car. Following these easy tips will send petrol heads well on their way to winning! Then what better way to celebrate a victory by going on a road trip with car enthusiast friends?
Preparing a car to show always starts with the body. If the vehicle has dents, it will never earn the points it could. Auto shows are about showing a vehicle at its best, which means entrants should be ready to show a car with as few blemishes as possible.
Once less than ideal body components have been repaired and replaced, the body surface will need to be modified, starting with sanding down any areas with dents. It is vital to have the car surface as smooth as possible to ensure the primer and paint adhere.
Selecting the paint job is based on the desired presentation for the car. It’s a good idea to look at some car design websites and publications to get a better idea of how to make the car’s colour pop.
Clean the exterior
Some enthusiasts might just put their car through a carwash and stop there, but this will cost points at the car show. Cars being presented in a competition need to look better than the day they left the auto lot. This cannot be done without giving the exterior a careful cleaning by hand, starting with the rims and engine compartment, as these are the areas most likely to have residue smudges and chemical stains. From there, the undercarriage of the car must be cleaned, and all the components polished. Once those areas are taken care of, the remaining visible surface areas should be tended to, not forgetting the wheels.
There is never too much time spent on cleaning the exterior of the vehicle for a show, and it’s worth spending the money on high-quality car cleaning products that will ensure the car is dazzling.
Clean the interior
The interior of the car must be just as clean as the outside. Remember, the judges will look at the vehicle from every angle. The windows should be clear as crystal from both sides, and the gauges, clock, ashtray, steering wheel and mirror need to be as spotless as possible.
Prep the wheels
It is essential to pay a lot of attention to the wheels. Judges want them to be as clean and attractive as they can be, and tyres that don’t have good treads will never score well. After a basic clean with a brush and spray bottle, tyres can be made to look flawless with a good can of tire spray.
Present the vehicle
Now that the car looks great, it’s ready to go to the car show. It is wise to have the vehicle expertly shipped so it does not get nicked or dirty during the drive.
When the car arrives at the show it’s important to find the best way to present it. Some drivers like tables or display stands to offer an interactive experience for the judges.
With the above tips, any car can be displayed to its best possible advantage – and if it wins, it can be shown off on that celebratory road trip!
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