Entertaining things to do at home until we finally beat Covid-19

The pandemic is still an ongoing issue across the world and in many countries the situation now is even worse than six months ago. Nobody anticipated that this would take so much time and effort. During the first quarantine, most people hoped that in 2021 Coronavirus would be only a distant nightmare. Most of the people who are in quarantine again probably need to plan their time creatively, because it seems they already tried everything to entertain themselves.
Have you ever tried a DIY project?
Bored to death, at home, without any TV to binge or game to play. Why not have a look around and think about the things that can be improved on in the home?
During the pandemic, everyone started spending more time at home than ever and most haven’t had the time to invest in living spaces for years. Well, now is the time to start.
Those who are skilful enough can make a new furniture piece. Or for smaller projects, a decorative piece out of the things no longer used. Repurpose, recycle, play with materials and achieve the double goal: entertain and create something useful for the living space.
Try extra large puzzles
Everyone had puzzles as kids, but most didn’t like them much. They were mostly plain and simple with motives from fairytales and cartoons. After a while, even little kids easily finish them within minutes and quickly lose interest.
But, what about the challenge of finishing extra-large puzzles, with over 1,500 pieces? Even 1,500-2,000 piece puzzles are a rather straightforward task, but 3,000+ is a whole different animal. Today, there are puzzles with over 6,000 pieces which will take up a whole room and at least a week to complete (for those who are really talented and have help).
After beating it, put a frame on it and hang it on a wall; weeklong entertainment and a decorative piece for the home.
Take a digital museum tour
During the first wave, many museums decided to make a digital tour for the visitors unable to come because of the pandemic. It was a huge success for many museums across the world. Now it’s possible to use VR technology to visit one of the biggest museums all around the world from the comfort of the living room. It is interesting that many people would be unable to visit them anyway, because of the lack of money or the distance they would need to travel, plus who knows when these virtual tours would be available to a wider audience.
That’s at least one good thing that Corona gave us: the possibility to stand in front of some of the greatest artworks ever created with just a VR headset, from the comfort of one’s home.
Get a garden in a container
Those who have a yard, this is easy: work on the garden, plant some seeds and take care of them. However, even those who live in a small flat can get some plants and nurture them in a restricted area. It’s possible to be really creative, from regular decorative plants, flowers with a pleasant scent, to edible herbs, various spices and vegetables. Play and learn about these plants and believe just know there is nothing better than seeing something grow and develop.
Learn how to make homemade bread
Remember the time spent granny’s when you were young? She baked bread, cakes and everything was so tasty and better than in a regular bakery. There’s now the time to finally have a go at making granny’s recipes.
Baking bread is not rocket science, but for those who have never done it before it’s a great accomplishment.
Find a helpful podcast to listen to
Podcasts have grown in popularity in the last couple of years and in 2020 they had a real boom because everyone had more time to listen to them, obviously. There are entertainment podcasts and also one’s that will help one grow professionally. The second kind are highly recommended because after all this madness is over, everyone will have a hectic period in their professional life while struggling to get back to normal.
By listening to podcasts it’s possible to sharpen the mind and be ready when returning to the busy and competitive world that existed before 2020.
Play some board games
Spending time at home with the family can be tricky, especially for those who are used to spend lots of time without one another. In a smaller space especially things can go from bad to worse, but there is a cure for everything, why not try board games?
Board games are a fun way to spend time with the family, especially if some of the family members are competitive. Just keep the arguments off the table and have a nice time together.
Reading books is back
Many people complain that they don’t have time to read a good book. Now it’s not possible to have that same excuse! Reading books is good a way to kill a few hours at a time. Which book is completely up to you: love stories, epic fantasies or even books for personal or business development.
Learn a new skill
Another thing most people complain about is learning new things because of the lack of time. Well, as it goes with books, now everyone has more time develop their skills further.
Learn a new language or re-learn some things from back at school or at college. Play quizzes and find other places to show off knowledge. The options are limitless for those who fully embrace them.
Although it feels that boredom will prevail, there are lots of other things to try while being locked in the home. Try the things mentioned in this list and work on these ideas even further: after finding a good board game, search for similar ones to play as well. After finding a great podcast, find more about that same topic and so on.
This horror will have to end sometime soon and everyone can restart and continue with normal life. But that doesn’t mean one should just sit back and wait for it, use the extra time now for something creative.
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