Packing tips for moving to a new home

Moving to a new home can be one of the most stressful events of adult life. However, there are many steps that can be taken to make a move easier on yourself, children and pets. Here’s how to transition to a new house in a smooth and timely manner.
Don’t wait until the last minute
Ideally, start the packing process as soon as the date of leaving the current home, apartment or townhouse is known. Reduce the number of items needed to put into boxes by donating old clothes, toys or power tools are no longer used. It may also be possible to sell jewellery, a relatively new lawn mower or other objects that are too valuable to give away.
It’s generally not a good idea to transport cleaning supplies, car batteries or anything else that might be made of toxic materials. Instead, arrange for them to be picked up by a company that specialises in removing hazardous chemicals. Alternatively, simply leave them for the new owners to make use of.
Is anyone available to help you pack?
Packing can be a lot easier when there are friends, family members or others to help with this task. Create a list of people who may be willing to spend a Saturday helping prepare for the move. There is a good chance that many people on the list will be glad to offer their assistance in exchange for pizza, beer or gas money.
Invest in quality moving boxes
While it’s tempting to pack belongings in boxes donated by local grocery stores, those boxes may not be of the highest quality. This is because they are often doused in water that can ruin their structural integrity. Furthermore, they can be home to spiders, fruit flies or other bugs that might ruin belongings. Buying dedicated moving boxes can be an inexpensive way to ensure that things make it to the new home in good condition.
Tips for packing a moving box
It’s a good idea to pack lighter objects on top of heavier objects so that they won’t be cracked or crushed under their weight. Furthermore, make sure that there are no gaps between items as this could cause them to bounce off of each other while in transit. Paper towels, regular towels and tissue paper can all be used to fill any empty spaces that might exist. Finally, it’s possible to compress a memory foam mattress that can be used as a soft object to pack breakables around.
Roll your clothes to save space
Clothes that are not placed in a garbage bag, suitcase or box can take up a lot of space in a moving van. In some cases, one might need to make multiple trips just to transport excess clothing to a new home. It’s possible to fit more shirts, sweaters and pants into a single box by rolling them into balls instead of folding them into squares.
Pack a survival bag
It’s unlikely to be fully settled in straight away after moving to a new home. Therefore, it is important to pack a bag filled with anything that needs easy access to before this happens. These items could include work clothes, essential medications or comfort objects for children.
In some cases, it can be a good idea to pack an air mattress or other soft surfaces to sleep on. It may also be a good idea to include food, toys and anything else that a pet might need to acclimate quickly to a new environment.
Regardless of where the next move is, it is important to start preparing for it as soon as possible. Taking proactive steps to vacate the current property can remove a lot of the stress, drama and chaos that moving day can bring.
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