Four ways to help alleviate anxiety in your daily life

In such uncertain times, it’s only natural that stress levels are running high. It has become normal to spend every day looking at the same four walls with the same people, and for that reason, it’s especially important to avoid burnout by taking the time to address any pressing worries and implement an effective self-care regime. This means reflecting on every element of our daily routine – from what we put in our bodies, to how we exercise, to how we think. Here are four main factors to focus on.
Stay active
One of the best ways to reduce anxiety is through exercise. Keeping active encourages the body to produce endorphins, one of the hormones that help lift the mood. Running, or even walking, a few times a week can boost happiness and energy levels, and working out in the morning can be a great way to clear the head for the day to come. Though it may not be as extreme as cardio, to really wind down and address any niggling thoughts, yoga is an extremely popular choice. Rest is just as fundamental as intensive training: it helps one to take a moment to pause, breathe and recenter oneself.
CBD treatment
Another solution that has become increasingly popular in tackling stress is the use of CBD, one of the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. While it has none of the intoxicating effects associated with the infamous plant, making it a safe alternative, CBD has been known to have a calming effect on users. Consequently, according to a number of studies, it can be helpful for those who suffer from anxiety and insomnia. The substance comes in a variety of forms, from sweets to sprays and gels to oil, meaning it can be adapted to fit in with different lifestyles and can be as simple as taking a supplement. The CBD oil is particularly popular because, with a few drops – which are non-toxic – it can deliver all the benefits of the substance. It’s versatile and easy to store. For those who are not having luck with traditional treatment, it could be worth looking into; currently there are many brands out there including the Swiss Cibdol.
Take time to reflect
Part of the efficacy of yoga is due to its links with meditation and mindfulness, which are proven treatments for stress and anxiety. Thinking mindfully involves tuning out from the world and focusing on small sensations, controlling what we think about and letting it in without allowing it to overwhelm us. Though it can be hard to address worries directly, reflection is an important stage of recovery. For more acute anxiety, a course of Cognative Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is frequently recommended by doctors before prescribing medication. This psychological technique helps reprogramme the way one approaches their worries and can be an effective long-term solution.
Eat nourishing food
It’s also essential to monitor our diets. More vitamins keep us feeling fresh and healthy, which has a positive impact on the mood. On the flip side, too much sugar or caffeine can give us a boost and then lead to a crash which amplifies stress. The best solution is finding a balance: enjoy everything in moderation and if you fall off the wagon, simply reset and try again (you are only human, after all).
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