Easy and essential tyre safety tips

Driving is one of life’s pleasures – for those who enjoy it – and a practical means of moving from A to B even for those who are not a motoring enthusiasts. But every driver should keep an eye on their tyres, making sure that are in a good, safe and road-worthy condition at all times. Here are some easy – but essential – tyre safety tips.
Keep an eye on them
Check tyres often to make sure that they are in good condition. Signs of damage will be bulging or thinning patches on the rubber, missing pieces of tread and even small, almost unnoticeable dark spots which can actually be the sign of an imminent puncture.
Wear hacks
Know the limits to which tyres are allowed to wear and ensure to remain on the safe side of those limits at all times. There’s no need for a mechanic to say how worn down tyres are, there are two super quick and easy ways to check. Firstly, have a 20p piece to hand and hold it vertically in the deep part of the tread. If the band running around the outside of the 20p disappears inside the tread, then the tyres are okay for a while longer. If the band shows proud above the tread, then the tyres must be replaced promptly. Secondly, there are nubs on the tyre, inside the tread. As long as these nubs are below the tread depth, the tyres are okay, but as soon as they become flush with the tread wear, make a plan to change the tyres as soon as possible.
Good pressure
Keep tyres at the optimum pressure to ensure that they wear properly and are not weakened by under or over inflation. Modern tyres are designed to be used at the recommended pressure only.
Align and balance
Just as the body needs yoga or pilates for alignment and balance, so do tyres need to be in the optimum configuration. Have tyres balanced and aligned at every service to keep them in great condition for longer.
When it comes to replacing tyres, Birmingham has plenty of qualified mechanics available to get drivers back on the road, safely and without breaking the bank. It’s easy to buy car tyres in Birmingham at the most reasonable prices. Shop online within a few clicks from Plume Tyre’s great variety!
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