Voice chats and live communication in online gaming

As the video game industry in the UK continues to grow, a lot of complex games are hitting the market as video game developers leverage the latest technological advancements to bring out more interactive and feature-rich friendly games.
In decades past, the majority of British video games released were single-player games. Multiplayer was relegated to whoever could meet up to play over LAN (local area network) connections. When playing games over the internet, the most you could do was type messages through a chat box, which is slower than voice communication. In intense, competitive games, typing on a chatbox loses you time and focus that could cost you and your team victory.
It is therefore no surprise that the vast majority of team games today make full use of the voice communication function to reduce the difficulty of communicating with teammates. Not only is communicating a way to increase your chances of winning, but it also improves your gaming experience, making it more likely for you to return to it in the future.
Though there are still kinks to fine-tune about chat gaming online – especially with regards to toxicity and abusive language, it is safe to say that live voice communication is now standard in any team-based online game today.
We take a look at the specific world of video games and communication. In particular, we look at how voice communication technology opens up a whole world of fresh tactics and strategies that keep video games engaging to play day after day.
Voice communication improves winning
If you are a serious gamer, you know that winning might not be the important thing about gaming, but it definitely is in the top five.
We all know how it feels like learning a new game. It is exciting trying to get a grasp of a game’s finer details, and even more exciting to find ways to win.
Once you are competent at a game, you will find that your skills will plateau at a certain point. Especially noticeable in high-tier gaming or competitive esports environments, the game then becomes less a matter of pure skill, but of maximising the impact of you and your teammates’ skills toward victory.
Complex team games such as DOTA 2, League of Legends, Overwatch, Halo, and Call of Duty require more than just learning how to hit creeps or headshots. With enough time, all players are able to pick up advanced game mechanics and adjust accordingly.
However, communication is what really puts the best players in these games over the top. Voice communication facilitates the easy flow of information, allowing all players to be on the same page on a dime.
Between similarly-skilled teams, it is generally the team who communicates with each other more effectively that will be able to take the win.
Voice communication boosts fulfilment
As we mentioned earlier, learning the ins and outs of a video game inevitably ends up in a plateau for most players. In such cases, it is easy to become bored with a game and pick up another game, thus restarting the cycle.
In a team game like DOTA 2, for example, you can be an amazing solo player, but if you cannot work with your teammates, you will likely end up miserable losing game after game despite having great stats.
Voice communication helps with this issue. Once you learn how to communicate effectively with your teammates, you may put less of an emphasis on winning, and pay more attention to optimising your team composition to give you the best chance at a win.
Speaking to your teammates can help produce a positive experience for everyone. When everyone is feeling engaged, gaming feels much more fun and rewarding.
Voice communication teaches you real-world skills
The benefits of voice communications during gaming sessions do carry over to the real world.
Once you reach the higher tiers of game ranks, you will find that the bulk of gaming at that level involves making sure everyone is on the same page and fully engaged. You learn to communicate with all sorts of people and marshalling their diverse sets of skills toward a common purpose.
Social gaming online helps improve skills to help make you an indispensable team member in whatever industry you plan on joining.
Expect the majority of new games in the UK to incorporate voice chat and live communication features as part of their setup as multi-player games are here to stay.
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