How to enjoy yourself by staying put

If 2020 has taught us anything, it is how to entertain ourselves without venturing anywhere. So what have people been up to?
Plenty of options here without actually having to do much. Newspapers provide great value in terms of keeping you up to date with the world, often a quiz or crossword to complete and maybe even a cheeky competition to enter (If it isn’t too much effort of course!) The downside is you may have to go and get one, if not then delivery is an option if you can spare the extra expense. Alternatively, pick up a good book, fantasy, fiction, romance, crime, or an autobiography you can spend hours doing nothing and keep yourself entertained with a decent book collection at your disposal. Failing that, technology is your friend. Digital newspapers are available on mobiles and tablets alike, you can download an e-book or browse your kindle for a satisfying read to kill a few hours and not use up any precious energy.
Laziest ways for a fun time
We have proved that we can still have a good time when restrictions are placed upon us. For some online gamers, not much changed during the isolation as a lot of introverts just carried on as normal wondering what the fuss was about. No doubt some gamers will have exhausted their favourite games, completed them, and moved on to new ventures. It may have cost them a front in downloads but at least their objectives were achieved without moving too much. Similarly, there will have been frequent winners and losers from the online gaming community as they have been seeking to pass the time by hammering their preferred games and experimenting with new ones. Possibly they have made a fortune, lost it, and are back on the road to redemption, you never know.
Topping up the tan
Sunbathing is the ultimate relaxation method and one of the most fun things you can experience by doing nothing at all. Granted, you need the weather for it which you cannot guarantee and can scarcely predict accurately at least so this is more of an opportunist suggestion when the sun goes up, your motivation to move can go down. The energetic type will take the chance to do some gardening in the warm sunshine, you however can pull up a pew and soak in the rays.
Talking of soaking, if the weather isn’t playing ball and thighs do not go in your favour on that front, a simple lazy alternative to feature in the same position is to have a long soak in a relaxing warm bubble bath. Get someone else to run it for you and put some soothing music on while you drift away and rest those aching muscles in luxury without a care in the world.
Home gym?
Yes that is right, exercise has been mentioned in an article about being lazy and about enjoying yourself but have faith! It’s not for you, get a house treadmill and walk the dog on it from the comfort of your favourite chair. Set it on a nice low setting for safety and your precious pooch can walk themselves while you put your feet up in front of the tele with an ice cold beer or a warm cup of tea, whatever you fancy! It might seem a strange investment but it depends on a couple of things; firstly how committed you are to do nothing and secondly just how lazy you want to be without others suffering. It is thinking outside the box and will only be worth your while if you are truly intent on having a great time in the laziest possible fashion.
Movie marathon or boxset binge
This is ideal for anyone in need of a fun time in the laziest possible fashion. Options are endless here, sort your snacks and drinks beforehand, maybe even order a takeaway to complete the job. Get comfortable, sit back and watch away. Whether you are in the mood for a film festival maybe hammer out every Harry Potter film consecutively, watch all the Rocky movies or indulge in the delights of the Fast and Furious collection. If you want something shorter and sharper hit up the box-sets where series after series is at your disposal, maybe the entire season of Friends from start to finish is your thing or alternatively a bit of blood with Dexter is more to your taste. If you can’t decide then there is always Netflix for more choice and with any luck you will settle an evening of “Netflix and chill”.
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