Health trends for 2021: What to look out for next

An Internet search for recent health trends will bring up a variety of thing. “Virtual wellness” is one of the big ones, due to the pandemic, with many exercise class teachers going online. Even personal training is available online – it’s just a shame no one has invented a way to do online massage yet! Another health trend is “preventative’ care”. This is by no means a new phenomenon – it’s a pillar for many traditional and ancient medicines, and it seems obvious but if one takes care of how one eats, moves, breathes and thinks, it might be possible to reduce the risk of future illnesses and injuries.
Everyday tips to improve overall health
There are of course some health tips that most people have probably known their whole lives, but do they follow them? One of the biggest ones is to drink plenty of water. The body is 70% water, so if one doesn’t drink enough it can lead to dizziness, fatigue or even dull and dry skin. Another big one that most parents tell their children: don’t smoke! Aside from the damage to the lungs, smoking also stains teeth and can cause deep lines in the skin. Luckily, now is a time with many alternatives: there is a range of options for those looking for a nicotine hit without the health risks, including nicotine pouches, which are an increasingly popular alternative to tobacco.
Keeping a good balance
It’s important to remember that enjoyment of life is the main thing that will make a person shine. Yes, an hour’s exercise per day is beneficial. Yes, organic vegetables can make the consumer feel great. But it’s a positive, appreciative attitude of the things that one does have that keeps people feeling good, even as health fluctuates and external circumstances change. Family and friends, pets, a walk in a favourite park, a delicious meal – these simple pleasures will always be the best, and being grateful for them enhances this. The world knows by now that a healthy mind promotes a healthy body.
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