Is a 1.00ct diamond big enough for an engagement ring?

How large is too large? When is a diamond too small to be noticed when being set within an engagement ring? These are two very common questions that many of us will ask when searching for the perfect gift for our significant other.
While the band, setting and design of the ring are obviously important metrics, it is a foregone conclusion that the diamond itself can make or break any ring. So, are there any expert guidelines to consider before making a final decision? Let us first dispel with a common myth before moving on to discuss carat weight in more detail.
Carat versus size
There are online articles referring to “carat size” in relation to an engagement ring diamond. This term is completely false. The carat associated with a diamond has nothing to do with characteristics such as its dimensions, cut, surface area, or depth. It instead serves to define the weight of the stone. To put it simply, a higher carat weight does not necessarily reflect the perceived size of the stone itself.
Are one-carat diamonds sufficient?
From a very general point of view, diamonds of 1 carat or slightly less are commonly chosen for engagement rings. We still need to remember that the perceived size of the stone will depend upon other factors such as the setting and the band. For example, thinner bands will enable a stone to appear slightly larger. In the same respect, specific settings (such as pave and bezel) are minimalistic; offering unfettered views of the diamond.
What is the typical carat weight of an engagement ring stone?
According to the latest statistics, the average size of an engagement ring diamond is 0.9 carats.
Why such an odd figure? First and foremost, we should note that stones weighing just below one carat are more reasonably priced. The second factor involves how the stone interacts with the ring. Diamonds weighing 1 carat or slightly less offer a “goldilocks” appeal. They are large enough to dazzle the wearer and any onlookers while modest enough as to not overwhelm the design of the ring itself.
Are there any other options to consider?
What if a stone of this size is not affordable? Or, perhaps the significant other is looking for a more subdued design. One powerful strategy is to employ smaller diamonds that can be located around the central stone. These can help to “fill in” any visual gaps while simultaneously allowing the configuration to reflect a massive amount of natural light.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same mantra is true when discussing carat weights in relation to engagement rings. Thankfully, it is now possible to purchase high-quality diamonds online in order to access a kaleidoscope of different options. Ultimately, a one-carat diamond is thought to be sufficient for the majority of engagement rings. It is still a good idea to look at stones of different sizes to better appreciate which is the best choice for a special someone.
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