How to prevent toothache during flights

It is no longer news that flying via aeroplane is one of the safest and fastest means of transportation on earth today. It is also popular knowledge that planes are easily the preferred choice for many travelers today. Many people prefer to fly to different locations for various reasons, including security, speed, luxury and efficiency, among others. However, as seamless and convenient as a flight can be, there are cases where people experience different forms of discomfort during air travel.
Anyone who has been in a situation where they feel toothache or mouth pain during a flight will likely agree that the experience can be quite uncomfortable and frustrating, especially if they don’t know anything about the condition. As a matter of fact, some people have developed a phobia of traveling by air because of such experiences. The truth, however, is that there is a cause for this condition, which means there are remedies to help people manage it if they have the right information at their disposal.
Thankfully, this article lists the top essential things one should know about experiencing a toothache on an aeroplane. It also highlights some causes of this condition as well as remedies that can work to reduce the pain. Read on to discover more.
What causes toothache on a plane?
Dental health professionals like dentist Dr Browne and other scientists have tried to offer explanations for the reason why people experience toothache and other types of pains in the mouth during a flight. According to these professionals, people experience this pain because the air in their system is making efforts to adjust to the various changes in air pressure around them as the plane ascends or descends.
Often, people who have unhealthy teeth are more prone to the condition. This means that one is less likely to experience this problem if they maintain healthy dental hygiene. However, the chances of feeling such pains get higher with dental problems like cavities, fillings, etc. Also, one might not experience any pain on the ground; but then begin to feel severe toothache once the plane takes off.
Other causes of toothache on a plane
- Chipped or cracked teeth: cracked or chipped teeth can also cause severe pain on a plane. This is because it creates space for air to be trapped in the mouth during the flight.
- Tooth decay: a person with a decayed tooth is also very susceptible to toothache in a plane. When pressured air hits the decayed part of the teeth, it can lead to severe pain.
- Tooth sensitivity: if a person has sensitive teeth, then they could potentially experience this problem because the cabin pressure can trigger the sensitivities.
How to deal with toothache on a plane
It has already been established that this situation can be quite discomforting and frustrating. However, noone is totally helpless. Here are some things one could do in the situation:
- Carry cotton balls or a clean gauze for the journey in case the gums begin to bleed.
- Carry some over-the-counter painkillers along for the journey to help reduce the pain during the flight.
- Look up the nearest dentist to the destination in order to schedule a visit once the plane lands.
Somw would say that the best way to deal with a toothache on a plane is by fixing any dental problems before booking a flight. Otherwise, any other treatment is reactionary.
How to prevent toothache on the plane
The good news about this condition is that it can be preventable if one knows the right thing to do. Also, it is essential to remember that one likely doesn’t have to worry about toothache or pain during a flight if they have healthy teeth. So, the best way to prevent this unfortunate condition is by taking adequate care of one’s teeth to keep them healthy at all times.
If one has dental issues like cavities, chipped or broken tooth, a decayed tooth, etc., they may wish to schedule a visit to the dentist and treat the issues before the flight. Also, adequate care for one’s dental health can reportedly contribute significantly to helping prevent the condition.
Here are some basic dental care tips:
- Brush regularly; at least two times every day (morning and night).
- Use toothpaste and mouth wash brands that contain fluoride.
- Do not forget to floss once every day.
- Avoid excessive intake of tobacco products and alcohol.
- Avoid excessive intake of starchy and sugary foods.
- Schedule regular visits to qualified and licensed dentists.
Most of the time, people experience toothache and other types of pain in their mouth during a flight because of various dental problems. When these issues are treated and healthy teeth are maintained, the chances of experiencing such pains will reduce. This article has discussed some essential things that it’s worth knowing about experiencing a toothache in an aeriplane, and how to deal with it.
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The material contained in this article is of the nature of general comment only and does not give advice on medical or any particular matter. Recipients should not act on the basis of this article’s information without taking appropriate professional advice.