Rainy days: Five ways to while away the hours

Regardless of the time, day or any personal preferences, rainy days can be pretty disappointing. They bring good moods down, and sometimes necessitate staying at home for longer than expected. There’s only so much puddle-jumping the children can do, but adults won’t be too happy being homebound for yet another day when it’s the weekend. But what if there were plenty of things to do, to boost moods and keep everyone energised? Here are five ways to make a rainy day a happy one.
Board games
When it’s bucketing outside the window, there’s no need to worry. Families and friends often have board games and other interactive objects they haven’t touched for years. It might be time to dust off the Monopoly set! And if that doesn’t appeal, the good news is that board games come in various forms and types, meaning that, with a bit of forethought, there can be something to appeal to everyone.
Board games can be purchased or rented and can keep a group entertained for quite some time. There are child-suitable games and games for the grownups. Those who live alone might like to brighten a gloomy day by calling a friend or relative nearby and having them over (after all, that is allowed now!), and there are always options online. A game night – or day – is a great way to socialise, introduce friends and relatives, and spend some time together, regardless of the weather.
Online games
As previously mentioned, there are always online games on offer, and they can be excellent for anyone who already enjoys video games and who isn’t able to play in person. There are a number of sites listing them, which will help locate the best-suited games, from sports to RPGs. No one needs to go anywhere to enjoy some of the best games available, and in many cases there’s no need to download them either as the experience is often completely online. Some websites even provide reviews to help users find their ideal entertainment: there are games for all tastes.
A film or two
When it’s wet and no one is going anywhere, it’s an opportunity to get cosy and visit another world. From a more positive perspective, it might be the perfect setting for a film festival at home. On a normal days, many are too busy to enjoy some of the rainy day activities on offer, such as watching films. Film buffs who enjoy Cannes, the Berlinale or Sundance might like to try organising a similar festival in the warmth and comfort of home.
It’s easy – all that’s needed is a digest of movies in the backlog or long-held favourites (with or without a theme!), popcorn or any other snacks and drinks that might appeal, and friends or relatives. The best part is it’s hard to get bored with great cinema on offer, and all the negative aspects of the rainy won’t be as bothersome. As for a few recommendations, it could work to consider mixing some classics with new releases to get the most of the film-watching experience.
It is no surprise that all the activities of modern life can get in the way of life admin, and there are always jobs that get pushed to the bottom of the pile when time is tight – and forget “me time”! But what if a rainy day was an invitation to spend some time on yourself? It could be a moment to organise those aspects of life that never seem to make it onto the schedule. Oven need cleaning? Now could be the time. Or maybe the living room has needed a refresh for a while. With nothing else to do, homebodies can go right ahead. A day at home could be the perfect opportunity to tick off some tasks on the to-do list and clear some much-needed head space.
If actively playing a game, watching a film or tackling the backlog of chores doesn’t appeal, the time could be used for planning. A rainy day is a great time to come up with ideas for an ideal vacation – it’s easy to research where to go or check flight schedules, and there’s endless information online. For those without the budget or time to go on vacation, there’s still scope to plan the next weekend jaunt.
It’s always best to breathe, take some time off, and think a bit about the future. Alternatively, it might be fun to leaf through listings for local events happening in the coming weeks. This content is created and distributed by local experts, so there will surely be something to appeal. Regardless, taking some time to daydream about the future is always refreshing.
Of course, there are plenty of other ways to spend on a rainy day. One could read a book, bake, phone loved ones –the possibilities are countless. If it’s pouring rain outside, perhaps today is the day to consider starting a gaming adventure or founding a home movie festival. Whatever is on the menu, not even the most severe of rainstorms can get in the way.
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