Three things to do and three things not to do after being arrested

Someone can easily assume that they will never get arrested. In reality, no one ever knows what could happen – a person could be falsely accused of doing something terrible; another may accidentally break a local rule, get into an accident, or even simply get stopped in the street. Whatever situation occurs, the party in question needs to remain calm, try to de-escalate the situation and act according to their legal rights.
This article will provide a list of things that should and shouldn’t be done if a person gets arrested. These include but are not limited to the following: not showing resistance; telling the truth; avoiding deciding anything without a lawyer; making a local phone call; remaining silent if wanted; keeping hands where the police can see them; and many more. Read on and find out how to deal with any unpredictable situation.
Don’t resist the police
Resistance is pointless when it comes to the police. It does not matter whether someone is innocent or not – the police are trained to subdue suspects so one shouldn’t expect to win against them. Resistance can lead to injury, which will only make things worse. If a person manages to escape custody, it might lead to being arrested once again.
The police have many methods of arrest. If they yell orders, it’s best to follow them. If they ask for movement, it’s advised not to stand still. If they request open hands, one should open them. They shouldn’t try to escape the police, but rather deal with the situation later, when in custody
Don’t make any decisions without a lawyer
Everyone has the right to an attorney. One should get a lawyer immediately – the sooner, the better. If it can be afforded, it’s recommended to call one right away. If not, then one can ask at the police station. It’s possible to learn more about legal aid in criminal charges online to understand how lawyers work and what they can do in a bad situation.
One should remember that anything said can be used in court. It’s advised to keep information private by remain silent and waiting for a lawyer to arrive. The police may attempt to trick people into talking by saying that others have already confessed to the same crime. In this situation, it’s best to stay calm.
Tell the truth
One should never lie to the police or provide false information. The police ask questions and then make judgments based on answers. Being caught lying can cause more trouble. When answering questions, one should remain composed and whoever does not want to speak may remain silent.
Falsifying citizenship status is also not advisable. For example, one shouldn’t claim to be a US citizen if it is untrue. Moreover, providing false documents is considered forgery and possibly identity theft. These are both serious crimes and are punishable by law.
Call someone trustworthy
If arrested by local police, a person can make a phone call once at the police station. It may be very useful to let someone know what is going on. The first person who should be informed of is a spouse, family member, or a trustworthy friend.
Listen to the police
When the police approach, one should keep their hands where they can be seen by putting them down at their sides or in the air if told to do so. If they ask for any documents or ID, one should hand them over immediately. They shouldn’t attempt to run, hide, or jump over a fence – it will only make things worse.
If the police ask for identification, one should move slowly – this will help to avoid making any sudden moves that may be mistaken for resistance or aggression.
Know legal rights during questioning by law enforcement officers
Everyone has certain rights while being questioned by law enforcement. One should make sure to be aware of these rights; otherwise the police may take advantage of ignorance and use it in court later on.
Anything can happen to anyone, and some people find themselves in unpleasant legal situations. If that happens, it’s best to stay calm, know the law and act accordingly. Remember, a person should not act on emotion as words and actions can be used in the future. It’s advised not to make any decisions without a lawyer, to listen to the officers and to tell the truth. Hopefully there will not be a situation where this article will be needed but if it does, these tips will help.
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