Four creative ways to display art at home

Art can be very expensive, so it can be worth considering creative ways to display artwork at home. With a quality printing company, designs can be printed on different materials, and there are many different products that can be printed. A good – ideally professional – printer is key, or designs can end up looking ugly! Here are some tips for displaying original art.
Moving art
It’s easy to make art move by placing it in a mobile display – the Dutch even have a word for it, mobiele presentatiewand. The design can be printed on canvas and placed on the mobile presentation wall, allowing for flexible placement that can be adjusted easily.
On the wall
A lot of art hangs on the wall, of course, but there are more options than a standard picture mounting. For example, one could have acoustic wall panels made with unique designs displayed. This way, the owner/artist not only has a beautiful work of art hanging up, but because of the material it also has a sound absorbing effect. These panels can not only be hung on the wall, but also ordered as free-standing panels, for example to put between desks in an office, eliminating shrill sounds in a large space.
A beautiful ground
So now that the walls have been beautifully wallpapered, the floor can’t be left behind. Products such as exhibition carpets can add real pizazz and are suitable for walking on while remaining very beautiful. In this way decoration doesn’t have to stop at the walls – even the floor can provide artistic stimulation.
Out of the box
Ideas that aren’t ordinary always stand out. One such out-of-the-box concept is to print flags with an original design. These are objects that aren’t often associated with art, but the fact that they wave back and forth makes them dynamic and they stand out. There are also many different types of flags that can be printed on, for example, a beach flag (beachflag bedrukken in Dutch) – large upright flags that really catch the eye. Because of their unusual shape it is a bit tricky to make use of them, but if it’s possible to work the design into the dimensions, it will make for an original expression.
With these tips it’s easy to ensure that art stands out even more and at the same time remains affordable. Top of the agenda is to keep in mind is the necessity to order from a good printing company, for a nice end product!
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