The state of cannabis around the world

Cannabis has been used worldwide for decades in medicinal and recreational capacities. As its legalisation around the world becomes commonplace, more people will be able to discover the benefits. Legalising cannabis and its possible impact and consequences are always at the forefront of the discussion and each day people are discovering and creating innovative products that can benefit health and well-being.
Not only are there numerous strains and flavours, but there are also many different ways to consume it. People have choice between oil, edibles, waxes, tinctures, creams and thousands of other products.
The legalisation of cannabis in Europe is varied based on each individual country’s laws. The main places where cannabis remains illegal but has been decriminalised are Spain and France. Most of the other countries have legalised it for at least medical use. A few years ago the Netherlands banned cannabis cafes for tourists as – being one of the most popular legal places to consume the drug – there was an influx in tourism. The European Union recently legalised hemp and CBD products, but it’s still best to check ahead for anyone trying to use these products in European countries.
North America
Cannabis is legal almost everywhere in North America, for recreation and medicinal use. Canada legalised cannabis for recreational use across the country in 2019. The government launched stores and allowed permits for businesses to operate, allowing the industry to boom. In the United States, it is left up to each state to decide how they approach the laws around the drug. It’s been legalised in 18 states and another 13 have decriminalised it, but there are still a few where it is deemed illegal. In Mexico, cannabis was decriminalised in 2009 and recently in 2021 it became legal for recreational and private use.
South America
Currently in South America there are no countries that have this drug legalised, especially for nonresidents. There are a few countries that have permitted laws or policies that allow medicinal access, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Peru, just to name a few. Uruguay stands out as a unique nation because they allow permanent residents and citizens to legally purchase the drug for recreational use. None of the South American countries have made it it legal for visitors or tourists. Some are fairly relaxed on the laws, although none offer dispensaries where people can make purchases.
In Asia, there are several countries that are not on board with consuming cannabis. Many of them carry extreme prison sentences for possession of cannabis and some even go as far as to have mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking. Their laws are very harsh and tourists are advised to avoid trying to obtain drugs while visiting. Some countries such as Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines have begun to allow CBD to be used in certain medical situations.
It’s easy to order online from websites such as Hemmfy CBD Oil. Since many countries have legalised these, one can get products from anywhere in the world as long as there is a legal trade agreement to bring it back. It’s great to have access to different products no matter where someone lives. One can buy online and have the products shipped to them like any other purchase, so they’re not limited to just what exists in their area. This offers people the opportunity to try different types that might work even better for them.
It’s always important to know the rules and laws around cannabis in a country when visiting. Not everyone’s views are aligned, so it’s always good to do your research and be careful. For those that enjoy partaking in this activity it is best to find the countries that embrace the culture as people are more likely to be safe while doing this in a legal space. Cannabis tourism is an ever-evolving industry and exploring this offers people a great opportunity to find some fun things to do while traveling.
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