What to do after losing a job because of Covid

The Covid-19 is spreading havoc on the planet, and everyone is living in weird times. Unemployment claims have reached 30 million in the last six weeks, with many of them due to the new coronavirus. There have been more layoffs than job creation since the Great Recession. Those who have recently lost their money are thinking: “now, what is next?” Although most layoffs are brief to flatten the curve, this may not be enough to ease the stress of being unemployed. At the same time, the economy recovered quicker than predicted from the pandemic-induced recession. Analysts estimate that it would take another two and a half years to restore all the lost employment. To restart a career or rejuvenate from the distress, here are some tips.
Overcome the consequences of Covid-19
Update the resume
It’s fundamental to first update the CV and LinkedIn profile. It should state that the pandemic was the direct reason for the layoff. Mention “stayed active, productive and seeking a job”.
On the CV, include the things you’ve done. State the time was used for personal improvement. You can state that how you gained new skills. State these skills are related to employment or volunteering and give back to the industrial community. Consider what makes you stand out. Explain the things you’ve focused on over the last few months. Say how it might help you become a better employee in the long run. It’s also an opportunity to contact former coworkers or supervisors and ask for recommendations.
Make finances easier
Claim unemployment benefits is an option. If your employer fires you or furloughs you, you can claim for weekly unemployment compensation. Another way is to negotiate loan repayment plans. And, decrease expenditure. Help may be needed in paying the bills.
Now is an excellent time to streamline your money. You’ve finally freed up some time to think over your spending and saving habits. Look for ways to save money and put it towards your emergency fund, investments, or debt repayment.
Spend quality time with the family
Family time may take on a new meaning while you’re under quarantine. You might find yourself suddenly spending more time with your loved ones. With your spouse and children, you can have a lot of exciting conversations.
Relax playing favourite games
Keeping the mind from being frustrated is possible also by playing games during this period. Online games have grown in popularity in recent years. There’s a broad range of options including Facebook games and Olympics-themed games
You don’t have to go anywhere in person to play your favourite games; you can do it from the comfort of your own home on your computer or smartphone. You can play from anywhere if you have solid network connectivity. You can find thousands of games ot play online. You can play a broader range of games online than you can in a traditional video arcade.
Beginners can enjoy themselves without feeling rushed. Online games frequently provide players with free stages – and sometimes even completely free games from start to end..
When players visit online games, they may take advantage of several bonuses and promotions. These bonuses are typically used to keep players engaged. Online gaming is also safer than meeting in person because the virus is still spreading especially indoors. With online games it’s possible to chill at home.
Gaining new skills
In several industries, the job landscape will be different than it was before the pandemic. The way of work will continue to be reshaped by technological breakthroughs. This season is a great time to brush up on your abilities or learn a new one. You may start using several free or low-cost web resources right now. You can learn new skills that develop Leadership, critical thinking, Tech-savvy, communication, and emotional intelligence now. It will enhance your attitude and behaviour. It helps you to guide how to act in urgent situations. Another option is to prepare yourself to take on greater responsibilities within your current line of work. As there is heavy competition, learning new skills makes you stand out from the unemployed crowd.
Know that your job termination was not personal. It was not a reflection of you or your professional worth, despite the pandemic’s record-high layoffs and unemployment. Don’t let one bad experience make you doubt your abilities or the value you’ll offer to a new company. Use your previous role as a learning opportunity – what did they enjoy about you in your last position? You can emphasise your qualities when you seek new employment.
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