Making money with mobile apps in 2021

While most people use their mobile phones mostly to stay in touch with others or have some fun, there are quite a few apps out there that can actually help make some side income as well. As mobile technology spreads around the world and becomes more popular by the day, the money-making opportunities that arise from it are also on the rise. This is a look at a few popular ways that users are making money with mobile apps, and how to join the trend and snag some side income through as well.
Freelancing mobile apps
One way of making money online with a phone app is by putting one’s actual talents to use and renting them out to people via mobile apps. Some of the most popular apps that come to mind in this area are Upwork and Fiverr, both of which allow their users to offer their services and actual work for money through their mobile phone.
Services such as writing, graphics design, coding, data entry and more are all sought after on both platforms, with Upwork being used more for long-term and bigger projects and Fiverr often providing fast projects for a few quick bucks. In either case, these are only two of the many freelancing apps out there that let users find work without having to apply with companies or go through the selection processes that can become quite exhausting.
Mobile apps with freebies
Believe it or not, there are some mobile apps that will actually give their users something for nothing, and signing up for a free account may often be enough. A good example are online gaming apps.
Cashback apps
A dollar saved is a dollar earned, or at least that is how the old saying goes. If there is any truth to that, then the apps that offer cashback on purchases made can also be viewed as money-making apps.
A good example of an app where one can get some cash back for making actual purchases needed in daily life is Rakuten, which offers up to 40% money back on any purchase made through the store.
Ibotta is a similar rebate app, which lets visitors purchase products and services from more than 1.500 retailers and receive money back into their PayPal accounts once they have accumulated enough cashback.
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