Five tips to keep any relationship healthy

There are few people who haven’t experienced a lull in closeness in a relationship. Sometimes, no matter how good the connection is, it can get tricky to keep the fire burning in a relationship. It might be an issue of running out of fun activities to do together, lockdown boredom setting off unnecessary arguments, or work stress taking over, but none of those things mean one should give up or become resigned to the sinking feeling of romantic relationship helplessness. There are plenty of brilliant and easy ways to keep that spark alive in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship. All it takes is a dash of romance and a pinch of thoughtfulness and one’s significant will feel valued, close and happy. Here a few tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship, no matter the circumstances.
Keeping the mind busy, even when it feels like hard work
One big factor that can cause problems in relationships – and very often does – is boredom. Most of the population has been stuck at home, only seeing the inside of their own houses (and, if they’re lucky, gardens), with much less to do, all year. It’s easy to see how restful bodies can cause restless minds, and with only the TV for entertainment couples can easily see themselves falling into the habit of starting petty arguments, just for the sake of having something to do. An easy way to break this cycle is to introduce new activities to keep the mind busy. This could be anything from a home workout to an intense game of Risk, or even just whipping out some arts and crafts. Crochet and knitting have boomed since lockdown began, as has journalling, gardening and home improvement.
Keeping the romance alive, no matter the setting
Spending just a month with the same person – let alone several – can make it become easy to forget how to keep things exciting and romantic. The importance of thoughtfulness can often be ignored and it’s absolutely key to keep this at the forefront to keep a connection alive. This can be done easily by taking the time to cook a special person a home-cooked, personalised meal – and adding some candles won’t do any harm! All it takes is some beautifully prepared food, however simple, and some thoughtful touches, and there’s the romance. Or, for those lacking in culinary confidence, it might be worth considering a picnic in the park, or a walk down the beach at sunset. It’s the thought that counts, and it certainly won’t go unnoticed.
Spicing things up in the bedroom
For almost all couples, physical intimacy is hugely important to maintain that special connection. Keeping the spark physically can be as simple as making time to cuddle, or it can be fun to explore new avenues together in the bedroom. Trust is obviously paramount, and openness about what each party is comfortable with is absolutely necessary. There are endless resources online to discover ways to spice things up, and plenty of online retailers with a range of products to suit any kind of curiosity or kink. Whether it be video entertainment, costumes, luxurious lube, a new vibrator or a dildo, there’s bound to be something that works.
Leaving work at work (or at least on the laptop)
Often, after a particularly busy day at work, it can be hard not to bring home the stress and relay that onto a partner. Sometimes work stress can be very overwhelming and can consume one’s every thought. When two members of a romantic relationship are suffering from tension at work, the resultant fallout if they both bring it home is potentially acrimonious. For those keen to make sure this doesn’t affect their relationships, sometimes all that’s needed is a minute to take a few deep breaths and let go of the stress of the day. If that doesn’t do it, a bath might (even better if that special someone gets in too), and they’re likely to be more than happy to oblige if asked for a massage. Worst case, if it’s really impossible to hold it in, one can be forgiven for having a quick rant but then moving swiftly on.
Honesty is almost always the best policy
Communication and honesty are key in keeping any kind of relationship healthy, but especially romantic relationships. It seems obvious, but it’s not uncommon for people to forget the significance of being open. When it feels like an argument is bubbling again, just out of pure boredom, couples will almost certainly benefit from communicating the fact. In most cases the potential fight will be defused if both parties are honest about how they’re feeling – they might even get a laugh out of it. Deception doesn’t get anyone anywhere. It’s best to always talk through feelings and let one’s partner know they can do the same. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved, and loved ones will be thankful for an open dialogue, whatever the content. It’s worth bearing in mind the importance of the way one communicates as a side note.
Making each other laugh
Laughing is the brain’s medicine. Having a daily dose of the laughter chemical, serotonin, can do wonders for keeping a relationship healthy. The final tip for keeping a partner happy is simple: make them laugh. Making a joke about something serious to lighten the mood can work wonders, but tread carefully to avoid undermining what might not be funny at all to them. Similarly, pulling a funny face or putting on a silly outfit and doing a catwalk might be just the release that’s needed. It’s the easiest tip of them all, but probably the most important.
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