Travelling to Spain: Health insurance and getting a visa

Spain is one of the most popular destinations, both for tourists and international students, and for those looking for work and hoping to settle in the country. Anyone who’s set their sights on travelling to Spain and spending a season there will need to take out health insurance before the consulate will issue a visitor’s visa. In fact, this is one of the key requirements demanded by the Spanish authorities to validate a longer visit: health insurance that can be turned to in case of accident or illness.
There are various companies who will assist with visa applications and the requirements that must be fulfilled to obtain one. My Spain Visa, for example, will help travellers understand what’s needed in order to apply for medical insurance for Spain visa travel, and take some of the hassle out of the process. Here is some basic information to get the ball rolling.
What are the requirements for Spanish visa-ready health insurance?
Purchasing health insurance that ensures medical coverage outside of one’s home country not only fulfils one of the requirements of applying for a visa, it also makes it easier to relax about the possibility of falling ill or suffering from an accident that requires hospitalisation during one’s stay.
Some of the requirements that must be met by the health insurance provider in order to comply with the rules set by the consulate include:
It must offer minimum coverage of €30,000 – but it’s important to look for higher coverage, as the policy maximum is the highest amount insurance will pay in case of medical expenses.
The insurance must cover the entire period of the stay in Spain.
It must have zero excess – in other words, with no excess to pay before the insurance plan will start to cover any eligible medical expenses.
It must also offer repatriation of remains in case of death during the time in Spain.
Though these are the most common requirements, they may vary according to the consulate in each country, which is why it’s important to check the applicable rules in advance before purchasing health insurance.
Which companies offer help taking out visa health insurance?
It’s worth doing some research to find reputable and well priced companies specialising in visas, and there are a number of experts with extensive experience in carrying out the necessary formalities. As mentioned previously, My Spain, for example, is a visa boutique with a team of immigration visa experts who can offer useful guidance and a professional service in order to obtain a visa.
Today, expert sites take care of managing the entire process of taking out health insurance with the best insurance companies, as well as obtaining a visa to study, work or set up a business in Spain. It’s best to keep in mind that this process can vary significantly depending on whether or not the applicant is an EU citizen (and remember in the UK this no longer applies), as well as having very specific requirements according to different countries.
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