You Me at Six at the Forum

After almost two years of waiting, English rock band You Me At Six claimed the stage once again at the Forum, Kentish Town, for their first show in London since lockdown began. Having toured extensively with renowned bands such as Thirty Seconds to Mars, Paramore and Fall Out Boy, the Weybridge-born group have become one of the bigger names in the industry in recent years.
Fans were met with a sea of misty darkness as anticipation grew for the rockers to come on stage. The first note of Nice to Me from their UK number one album, Suckapunch, filled the room with electricity. Mosh pits formed spontaneously across the packed-out arena, drinks and bodies flying everywhere, and an energy surge permeated the room. Not one person was left dissatisfied by the entrance.
The atmosphere intensified with MAKEMEFEELALIVE, and the crowd control that lead singer Josh Franceschi commanded just added to the vigour. Everyone continued dancing, singing and pumping their fists – thank goodness for the structural integrity of the Forum, because without it, the house literally would have been brought down.
For the more seasoned fans, a brief sigh of relief came at the sound of I O U, off sixth album VI, because, although it is an earworm, it is one of their more chilled-out songs. The reprieve was short-lived, as next was WYDRN from the latest studio album. The crowd divided, with the older fans remaining seated, and the younger, more energetic fans up on their feet once again, singing their hearts out.
Bite My Tongue was definitely the apex of the night, with crowd-surfing actively encouraged by both band and security. Bodies rolled to the front, where Josh Franceschi once again greeted everyone and shook the hands of those who managed to get to the stage. It was a spectacle, and, much like a family reunion, beautiful to see.
The night stayed in the same vein, with a resilient energy, so that when the artists disappeared after Suckapunch, the crowd were thirsting for more. After five minutes, they got what they were itching for – an encore, the concert ending with Underdog leading into Beautiful Way. These two songs encapsulate the message of the band: “Treat strangers a little better, and love one another, because we’re all f***ed up in a beautiful way”.
You Me At Six are living proof that good music still exists, and there is more to be said for being genuine than the world gives credit for. It was no surprise that when asked, “Will you be joining us next year for our biggest concert yet?”, there was a resounding “YES!” from every person in the crowd.
Natallia Pearmain
Photos: Virginie Viche
For further information and future events visit You Me at Six’s website here.
Watch the video for the single Beautiful Way here: