Six ways to chase the blues away on a rainy day

There’s not much point trying to deny it: the weather is about to get a whole lot worse. It’s inevitable when living in Britain that there are going to be days when going out is just not an option. However, that doesn’t mean it has to be a bad day. Here are six ways to lift spirits without leaving the house.
Explore endless virtual worlds
The world of video games is constantly expanding, which means there are endless new worlds to choose from. And this doesn’t apply only to fantasy games, it happens with many games. What better way to escape a grey day than exploring a colourful virtual realm instead? If you’ve got an Xbox or PlayStation, our top recommendation for a vibrant new co-op game is It Takes Two. In this title, you play as a married couple who have been turned into dolls (bear with us) and who have to work at fixing their relationship through a series of fun challenges in order to get back to reality. It’s got a bit of everything: flying, fighting, racing, snow and water worlds, magic and even a romantic talking book.
Learn some new card games
If you don’t have a console, it’s just as easy to spend a day with a single pack of cards. Solo games such as solitaire are always a good way to pass the time, and if prefer something a little more passive and relaxing, Clock Patience is also worth looking up. When it comes to multiplayer, big groups could try playing the more fast-paced Racing Demon and Spoons, which can get competitive. Of course, there are also alternative card games using specialist packs such as Uno and Exploding Kittens, or card-based board games such as Seven Wonders (which is available for two as Seven Wonders: Duel) and the imaginative Dixit.
Start your own Bake Off-inspired challenge
The Great British Bake Off is back, and it’s the perfect excuse to put your apron on and get baking. When it’s wet outside, cook yourself up some comfort food to lift the spirits – if you want a bigger challenge, you could even try working to the same brief as the contestants and see what you can come up with. It’s a great time to practice your decorating techniques, and unlike on the show, you can devour the end result immediately. One could even together with friends and wait out the rain together whilst sampling each other’s creations.
Take part in Inktober
It’s almost Inktober again, which means that just in time for the autumnal weather, there’s a fun new daily challenge to keep you occupied. The aim of the game is to draw or print something in ink every day in response to a prompt on Instagram. The reality is that sometimes it’s just not possible to find the time every day, but this is where rain comes in handy as one can use this opportunity to sit down and catch up. Alternatively, try a new medium like collage or oil paints. Take a small section of your room for inspiration, or use the weather outside to create a moody work of art.
Create profit by having a green thumb
With the outside temperature still acceptable – despite the rain – many people enjoy making the most of it and getting outside to do some gardening. This is a fun hobby that can also be turned into a beneficial money maker. Over the past year, as most companies closed their doors, garden centres stayed open and houseplants saw a dramatic rise in popularity as many novices began building up their very own indoor plant collection. For anyone who has developed an interest in gardening or houseplants, there’s even the opportunity for the start of their own from-home business. Flowers are very popular presents – especially for special occasions – so offering a freshly cut bouquet from one’s back garden could be a great way to make profit. Another option could be collecting houseplant cuttings, propagating and selling them on. Or one might decide to design plant accessories, such as painting plant pots or embroidering gardening gloves. The good news is, rain will only make the business better.
Spend quality time with animal friends
This doesn’t apply to everyone but many people have taken home new furry friends during lockdown and rainy days are the best to spend quality time with them. Remember, while an animal needs a daily dose of love – just like a human being – dedicating an entire day to them (or a significant part of it anyway) will make their lives noticeably better and will improve the owner-pet relationship dramatically. Besides, benefits aren’t just for the animal friends, owners will be able to relax and get back to their routine in much higher spirits.
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