Things to check before taking an MOT test
It is amazing how many cars fail their MOTs for relatively simple things. Many of the faults that are found during the inspection are things that could have been sorted out prior to the MOT with very little needed to put right. Before putting a car for its annual MOT, what are the things that should be checked? Read on to find out.
Oil level
Do not leave it to your dashboard warning light to tell you that you need more oil in your car. Oil is essential to prevent overheating and to make sure your car is safe to drive. Before your MOT, leave the engine to go cold, then pull out your dipstick. Wipe it, replace it and pull it out once more. The oil level should sit between the two notches on your stick. If not, you will need to top up with some more.
Your mirrors need to be positioned correctly and in good working order. Don’t rely on a mechanic skimping the mirror checks needed for a car’s MOT. After all, MOT centres get inspected, too, to ensure standards are maintained. For a trusted MOT Centre in London book your service with Elite Direct.
One of the commonest reasons for cars failing their MOTs is that their tyres are not roadworthy. This might mean they have bulges or cracks or even worn-down tread. Make sure your tyres are visually inspected to confirm they are not approaching the legal limit with tread. You can insert a twenty pence coin into the tread to see if there is enough depth to it. If the rim of the coin goes in, then you are okay. However, you’ll need to replace tyres that are beginning to go bald. Also, make sure your tyres are sufficiently pumped up otherwise they will fail.
You need a working car horn to pass an MOT these days. Sound yours to test that it is loud enough. If it isn’t, then you will need to get a new one but these are not expensive items to replace. It is better to do so than to fail your MOT and need to go through a new one.
Make sure your seatbelts retract fully, that they lock when they are pulled down hard on and that they show no signs of wear. It is important to look for signs of fraying, for example, which will result in a failed MOT.
Once you assure these basics are covered, rest assured you will smoothly sail through the MOT test.
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