How to look amazing this autumn: Fashion tips for men

This one’s for the single guys out there: doesn’t everyone wish they had someone by their side? Thankfully, on reading this article (and actually implementing the tips), it won’t be long before that’s possible. Though beauty is skin-deep and real companionship is found underneath, on first encounter, potential suitors can be very analytical, checking out everything from how one looks to how one smells. It might be worth ticking some boxes to really succeed in the dating world. The devil is in the detail, so let’s get down to business: here are some top tips for dating success.
Ride a fashion wave
Having a unique sense of style is important. It helps differentiate a person from the others, making him more attractive. Though. of course, it’s easy to scroll dating platforms for a one-night stand nearby, more often than not it’s going to be necessary (better, even!) to approach a potential mate in real life. That means it’s necessary to dress to impress, and that’s where having a good sense of style will come in handy. Even on dating platforms, matches usually check the photos prior to having a conversation, so taking a picture that features a nice outfit will allow singletons to gain a couple of extra points in attractiveness. However, since styling trends come and go, it’s a good idea to make sure that a chosen look feels comfortable in the longer term. Bell-bottoms from the 60s might be a great expression of someone’s individuality, but for most they aren’t going to cut it! Many men are a bit out-of-touch with the current trends, but the solution could be as simple as checking out a fashion magazine or doing a quick Google search. This should give enough references to get a rough idea of what to wear.
Wear a suit well
Suits aren’t ideal for every occasion, but a man who can truly rock a suit will definitely attract whoever he wants to. Typically, when one think of a “manly” man, we think of a fellow with big shoulders, a thin waist, and large hands. While this may not describe everyone exactly, the good news is that a properly fitted suit can make you appear so! Suits are extremely classy, so whether one is going out to an event or just creating a new dating profile on a favourite dating website, a properly fitted suit can help attract new faces. We recommend going to a shop for the new outfit, rather than ordering one online. Unfortunately, an improperly fitted suit is likely to make the wearer less attractive, not more, so it’s best to get it right the first time.
Invest wisely in a watch
Sure, most people use their phones to check the time, but having a watch has its benefits, even if it’s not actually used to keep track of the time. Beyond being easier to access than a phone screen, a watch is a great way to announce one’s status to the world. If the budget is a bit more modest, even a cheap watch that looks good can make the wearer seem far more successful than they actually are. On the other hand, for those who are actually well endowed financially, choosing a stellar watch serves not only as a status symbol but also as a conversation starter!
Cash-worthy shoes
Shoes are potentially a minefield. Whereas some men spend thousands of dollars literally on their collection of Nike sneakers, others don’t care at all and just wear whatever they happen to have at the time. Both approaches work fine in general, but they’re completely wrong when trying to attract a mate. Yes, for dating online, it’s easy to be more focused on the top half, but what if it comes to a real-life date? When hunting for a new romantic partner, one might want to wear shoes that project a sense of success, wealth, and class. Leather shoes are perfect for this! Of course, wearing the same pair each day will quickly kill the spell, so it’s recommended to have at least two pairs: one for daily use and a “nice” pair for special occasions.
Keep accessories to a minimum
Unless the wearer is a famous rapper (in which case they likely won’t need this article!), in general potential partners won’t be impressed by gold-plated chains. Accessories like this may feel like they project success, but at the receiving end it just looks like trying too hard. Instead, it’s best to prioritise maintaining a well-groomed appearance.
Don’t skimp on glasses
There are two schools of thought concerning glasses on dating profiles: some think they are something to avoid, and others think they give the impression of erudition, especially if combined with a suit. For everyday use, glasses might help the wearer seem more attractive to potential partners. Anyone who actually needs glasses should take some time to try out multiple frames, rather than simply picking the first one. Even if no prescription is needed, a pair of sunglasses can be very sexy! Men who need glasses to see may want to consider transition lenses – a type of lens that darkens (much like sunglasses) depending on the lighting.
Anyone having trouble meeting the love of their life or a casual fling should implement these style tips and their confidence will soar.
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