Why any HVAC contractor needs liability insurance

Anyone who’s noticed that their HVAC system isn’t working correctly will need to hire a contractor to make the necessary repairs. But before hiring anyone, it’s important to make sure he or she has liability insurance for HVAC contractors. This type of policy will protect them and you in various ways when it’s time to get the air conditioner or heater repaired or replaced. Here’s a look at some examples of the protection that an HVAC contractor liability insurance policy can offer.
Damage to the home
Any time a contractor is hired to come to a house (often with tools and equipment) there’s a small chance of property damage. He or she might drop a heavy wrench on a tile, knock a ladder into an expensive vase, or put a hole in a wall.
One might assume that the contractor would be liable for this type of damage, and while that would right, it doesn’t always mean he or she will pay for it. After all, some small companies don’t have the money to cover damage to the home, meaning it will be necessary to bring a lawsuit against them to get the money for repairs. And even then, it might be years before the compensation comes through. That’s why HVAC contractor liability insurance is so important.
When hiring an HVAC contractor with this type of policy, homeowners can breathe a sigh of relief that the insurance will pay for any damage to the home. This means quickly getting a check to replace that broken vase or repair the wall, no need to spend months chasing the contractor for the money to make repairs, and no one will have to be sued. Instead, the HVAC contractor will simply take pictures of the damage and then file a claim with insurance so the customer gets compensated as soon as possible.
Liability insurance can even pay for any damage noticed after the job has been paid for. For instance, if the air conditioner starts leaking and causes water damage months after it’s been replaced, the customer can let the HVAC contractor know, and his or her liability insurance will cover the costs of repairs.
Medical payments
The ability to get compensation for property damage is not the only reason to hire a contractor with liability insurance. Another reason to do so is the chance to get medical bills covered in the event of injury as a result of a mistake the HVAC contractor has made.
For example, if a homeowner trips and falls over a piece of HVAC equipment, they might need to go to the hospital or at least see a doctor to get their injuries taken care of. They might even need ongoing physical therapy, depending on the extent of the injuries. If they have a copay or deductible, or if they’re paying out of pocket, the contractor’s liability insurance policy will compensate for these expenses.
After all, one shouldn’t have to pay for the injuries that a contractor accidentally causes while repairing or replacing an HVAC system. And one shouldn’t have to miss out on income while at home recovering, which is why HVAC contractor liability insurance may even pay for missed wages after the injury. This is another clear indication it’s a good idea to only hire contractors who have liability insurance.
HVAC contractor requirements
Another reason to hire an HVAC contractor with liability insurance is that it’s often a requirement in many states. In fact, this is usually the bare minimum insurance that’s required, as other types of insurance may be required or at least recommended. So if the contractor a customer is considering hiring doesn’t have liability insurance at the very least, they should look elsewhere, as he or she may be breaking the law for this industry.
Of course, insurance is just one facet to look at before hiring an HVAC contractor. It’s a good idea to also ask about the services available, past customers to contact for references or recommendations, and pricing for the services needed. Then it’s paramount to ask to see the insurance certificate. Taking these steps can help ensure have peace of mind.
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