Hair loss solutions: Which gives better density, FUE or DHI?

Lots of people are very preoccupied with their look, be it their weight, nose shape or the amount of hair they have on their scalp. Cases of baldness and hair thinning are increasing day by day, and it’s becoming more common for people suffering to opt for hair transplants. Those who wish to have thicker hair or tackle baldness are often overwhelmed by the options for hair transplant surgeries. Mainly, the two techniques creating a dilemma are FUE and DHI techniques. This article will explain both and give an idea of the technique that gives the best density, or that will suit the individual better in terms of giving the exact desired result.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is among the most commonly used procedures, and it helps experts cover large areas. When compared to other treatments, FUE hair transplantation is simpler and less painful; as a result, those who desire to have their hair transplanted choose this approach. The FUE procedure for hair transplant surgery involves harvesting hair follicles from the donor site, which includes the arms, thighs, and torso, as well as the back of the scalp. The surgeon decides the hair thickness and volume of hair that will be implanted using this procedure. The creation of holes in which to seat the hair follicles is the next step, and the transplants from the donor site are then inserted one by one. The amount of hair follicles in each graft varies, but thickness is crucial for an effective procedure. The time it takes to perform a FUE hair transplant ranges from around 4 to 8 hours. Since the hair follicles are inserted individually, it is a time-consuming procedure. The patient is released from hospital on the same day as surgery., and when they can clean their head is determined by the surgeon.
Things get a little more complex when it comes to the DHI technique, though in any case all of these treatments have one goal in mind: to provide the greatest outcome and appearance possible. So, rather than saying that one is better than the other, it is preferable to state that one may be more applicable to a specific case than the other.
So, DHI is a modified form of FUE hair implantation that uses a comparable method. The surgeon will extract hair follicles from an area of the scalp, generally the back of the head, and implant them in the balding area. These follicles will eventually produce new hairs. In doing so, the surgeon will need to make incisions while also implanting hair. That is, individual hair follicles are going to be extracted straight from the scalp during DHI (and some FUE) procedures. But during DHI, the surgeon will manually cut a series of tunnels in the scalp to insert the hair follicles. On the other hand, with the DHI technique, the surgeon will make these incisions, and then immediately implant the hair follicles.
To summarise, the FUE method is excellent for covering large areas, whereas the DHI method has a better probability of achieving higher density. Even if the patient intends to undergo single-session DHI hair transplant therapy, he or she will be a better candidate for the FUE procedure if the patient has severe hair loss and bald patches that are too large to fill. This is due to the FUE method’s ability to harvest a greater number of grafts in a single session, whilst the DHI method has a shorter recovery period and can be performed with less bleeding than the FUE method. As a result, while the FUE method is good for covering large areas, the DHI approach has a better probability of achieving higher density.
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