Side hustle: Four killer ideas for 2022

There’s nothing like a side hustle to keep a person on their toes. Having a source of revenue and a profitable activity in addition to a “main job” can keep things interesting, and what better time to bolster the finances than during the Covid era? Over the last year or two, many have had to rethink their employment, whether it be to adjust their way of working (kitchen table office, anyone?), or to retrain. Arts and hospitality professionals and those previously thriving in the gig economy have had to branch out to keep the wolf from the door. Since it’s looking like we’re not quite out the woods yet, here are some ideas for side hustles as we creep in 2022 with Covid still in tow.
Stock images
Photography is a popular hobby, and in recent years advances in photographic technology and equipment that’s readily and affordably available in the form of smartphones has meant that it’s easier than ever for the average user to create beautiful images. That isn’t to say anyone with a smartphone is a match for a professionally trained photographer with decades of experience and artistic and technical know-how, but it is relatively simple to create decent stock images that can be sold to repositories such as Shutterstock, Unsplash and Pexels, and if the portfolio is large enough the earnings can be very useful indeed.
Cryptocurrency trading
Cryptocurrency trading has been floating around as an option for some side profit since Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin in 2009. It’s received some bad press due to some less than honest dealings and a lack of regulation, but in since 2020, when the FATF (the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force) created detailed guidance on the virtual markets, more and more formal legislation is being put in place worldwide to ensure cryptocurrency traders’ assets are protected. Nowadays, with a raft of providers and options for investment, anyone can start trading at the click of a mouse. It’s worth reading up on the best broker websites and checking out reviews and small print before getting started, and as with any financial trading there is risk involved, but cryptocurrency trading can provide some serious income.
UX/UI testing
While most teams are working from home, businesses continue to develop their products, and with so much of modern commerce happening via the Internet, there is always a need for guinea pig users to test the user journey on new sites and products online. UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) designers routinely test their creations before releasing them to the public, and for an accurate idea of whether the content works, they need a broad range of test subjects – so literally anyone can help. Payment can vary fairly dramatically, but it’s definitely worth checking out a few of the many UX/UI testing sites (such as IntelliZoom and Userlytics) to get an idea.
Make and sell on Etsy
Now is the time to put hidden creative talents to good use. Casual knitter in front of Netflix? What if those handmade creations could be sold for a small profit? There are endless creative hobbies that have the potential to be put to use as side hustles, and sites such as Etsy provide a platform to sell. Not all of us are blessed with creative talent or the ability to translate ideas into something tangible, but anyone with needlecraft knowhow, artistic talent, woodworking skills or even jewellery making expertise can convert that special capacity into real revenue. Sure, it may take time to start making significant profits, but turning an enjoyable hobby or passion into a job can be immensely satisfying.
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