The best British English learning channels on YouTube

Most people will not surprise anyone by being able to speak English, but nowadays it’s unusual to have none at all. There are several possible ways for those who want to approach the basics of any foreign language or polish when out of practice, and tutorials on YouTube are a great way to learn English fast. The world’s most significant video hosting has long been a platform for non-formal education. Today, users can find thousands of online free videos to help with language practice drills, from classic classes with teachers to lifestyle vlogs. Of course, there are some pros and cons of YouTube in education, but the advantages are significant. Because there’s not much effort involved in playing a video, listening and studying, it doesn’t take much motivation, and one can do it sitting on the sofa or on a train. There are videos available for every level of English and skills on all possible topics. Grammar, pronunciation, slang, business English, preparation for all leading international exams, idioms, vocabulary… Here is a list of teachers on YouTube that may be able to help.
1. BBC Learning English
This is a YouTube channel for learning English from the UK media giant BBC for students with intermediate, advanced and academy proficiency levels. Here, viewers will find video lessons on grammar and the correct use of English terms, tips and life hacks on learning, such as ways to easily memorise new words and achieve the same amazing British accent.
The main feature of the channel is studying English using examples from the news broadcast by the BBC: why eating a lot of meat is bad for the environment, what supermarkets look like without disposable packaging, what facial yoga is, why unicorns are back in fashion and how astronauts are getting on in space. Users can learn how to talk about trends in English, which makes for more convincing real-life conversation.
2. Speak English with Mr Duncan
One of the oldest YouTube channels for people who love learning English is Mr Duncan’s. He has been making videos for 12 years and continues to provide new materials every week. Here, viewers can find short videos and several hours of live English broadcasts. Vocabulary, grammar, cultural phenomena, English expressions and philosophical reflections are on offer, with Duncan teaching meticulously with talks one a broad range of possible topics. As another nice bonus, all his videos are accompanied by detailed subtitles.
3. MmmEnglish
With almost 100 videos in two years, this is also a pretty active English channel, with comments from users sounding positive about the results: “Emma is a coach who teaches confident use of English in life. She dwells in detail on the most common mistakes that beginners stumble upon. So it’s effortless to learn with her,” says Dana Vega, a writer who works at as an expert in learning English. Emma also suggests useful sites, apps and audiobooks that will be useful to anyone who is looking to expand their English. In addition to subtitles, each video has a transcript, available on Emma’s website.
4. Accurate English with Real Teachers
Harry and Charlie are professional native speakers, with each having been an English teacher and blogger for two years. They teach their subscribers to navigate in English almost any modern situation in a light and humorous style: ordering food, going to the hairdresser, communicating on dates, getting a job and passing an interview are all covered. So this way, watchers can experience and better understand conversation in real situations. The guys don’t just blog from the couch in front of the camera: Harry and Charlie often travel or go out on the streets to interview passersby.
5. EngVid
EngVid is a large-scale platform with 900 video lessons from 11 teachers, and Ronnie probably has the most charismatic style. In addition to essential explanations of vocabulary and grammar, there’s all kinds of content such as what different animals sound like in English, what to say to a loved one and how to avoid unpleasant conversations. The channel also has subtitles and transcripts of all its videos, plus the means can check the knowledge gained in the thematic test after each.Ten teachers record videos for the site, and each of them has their own separate channel on YouTube. Users can filter materials by levels and topics and choose favourite teachers. A real treasure trove for English learners!
6. English with LinguaTrip
During the three months of its existence, blogs about the most common mistakes, differences between British and American English and more have appeared here. It’s a relatively new channel that’s developing fresh, new content all the time, so it’s worth checking out. If the goal is to expand English vocabulary, this is a top resource.
7. Fluency MC
Yes, this blogger has made a series of rap songs to aid learning – and he started doing it even before the popularity of the genre swept the music world. Though Fluency MC is undoubtedly entertaining, it’s still about learning English. He rhymes everything from body parts and phrasal verbs to vocabulary about the water cycle in nature. An important disclaimer: for rap connoisseurs, this channel’s training tracks may seem a bit old-school.
8. Gabby Wallace – Go Natural English
Gabby Wallis has been teaching English for over 15 years, during seven of which she has hosted on YouTube. Her blog includes over 550 videos on a wide variety of topics. She loves life hacks and constantly talks about things that will improve users’ skills. She also participates in thematic challenges, which watchers can join in with for a more interactive experience.
Learning English has become an essential part of many areas of life, for example, finding a good job, traveling abroad or even watching the premieres of long-awaited series on streaming platforms. Sometimes there is very little time left to learn a language, and not everyone believes that it can be improved without tutoring or in a school. But studying English can certainly be be aided by videos on Youtube.
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