Hair transplant before and after: Seven factors that affect results

Hair transplant before and after photos and results differ from patient to patient, and there are several reasons for this. Sometimes it’s the technique used, sometimes the number of grafts, and sometimes the quality of aftercare given to the patient. Hair transplant results can also depend on the shape of the individual’s head and hairline, as well as their age.
As such, having certain information before going in for a hair transplant operation will help with knowing what to expect, to avoid getting discouraged when the transplanted post-surgery hair doesn’t appear as advertised. This article will reveal what people need to know about hair transplants and the various factors that make hair transplant before and after photos differ from person to person.
What is the best age for a hair transplant?
Hair loss is one inevitable change that affects both men and women, and many factors can lead to this condition. As such, it isn’t something that can be pinned to a certain age. While it may occur in most people in their old age, it can equally happen to teenagers and people in their 20s and 30s. The timing for men and women also differs due to hormones.
Best age for men
For men, hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia usually sets in later in life, when hair follicles begin to shrink and fall off as a reaction to dihydrotestosterone. According to the American Hair Loss Association (AHLA), 85% of men experience balding around 50 years of age. With this in mind, the recommended age to undergo hair transplants for men is between 40 and 50.
Best age for women
Women, unlike men, usually don’t develop completely bald spots. Rather, they experience general hair thinning and loss, making their hair less full. Just like in men, this hair loss occurs when the women’s sex hormone levels begin to decline. Thus, the best age for hair transplant for women would be from 45 to 55 years, which is also the time frame for menopause.
Best age for optimal results
For optimal results, experts suggest that it’s best to get hair transplant surgery between the ages of 30 and 40. Hair grows fast in most men and women in this age range, so the results of the operation will be very pronounced. Also, this is the age range where most men begin to develop male pattern baldness, so getting a hair transplant is a good counter to the impending hair loss.
Is 30 too early for a hair transplant?
No, 30 isn’t too early for a hair transplant – in fact, it falls in the recommended age range. At this stage, hair growth is usually in its peak in both men and women, so it’ll help the healing process and produce better results.
Also, if hair has thinned out suddenly and starts to fall out, there may be no choice but to seek hair restoration, even for a teenager. Even though men and women have set ages where hormones kick in and cause alopecia, it’s worth noting that some people go bald before they age. Genetics and hormonal imbalances may cause people to develop hair loss much quicker, and other factors like smoking, drinking and too much stress may also be responsible.
Whichever way, it’s best to go for a hair transplant operation once the hair loss problem becomes noticeable, regardless of age.
How much does a hair transplant cost?
The cost of a hair transplant varies from country to country. For instance, hair transplant operations cost $1,900 to $3,500 in Turkey but $3,000 to $15,000 in the UK and US. Also, prices differ based on the hair transplant technique. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most expensive, followed by FUT. Advanced hair transplant techniques like the DHI and Sapphire may cost even more.
How painful is a hair transplant?
A hair transplant procedure is painless, thanks to local anesthesia used to numb the scalp during surgery. However, after surgery, patients may feel side effects like swelling, soreness and discomfort. These effects usually wear off after about a week.
How long does transplanted hair last?
Ideally, the transplanted hair would last an entire lifetime. It is meant to be permanent, so it’s unlikely redoing hair transplant operations is necessary unless the first attempt is unsuccessful. But despite the permanent nature of hair transplants, people with pattern baldness (genetic alopecia) can experience it again after the transplant, in other places of the scalp where non-permanent hair grows.
One thing with newly transplanted hair is that it doesn’t immediately grow after transplantation. During the healing phase, the new hairs will fall out and then take root permanently once they regrow. This is why, with any man who recently restored his hairline via a hair transplant surgery, it’s hard to notice much difference. Hair transplant results only become very visible after about nine months to a year.
Can one still go bald after a hair transplant?
Yes, it’s possible, but only in places where hair wasn’t transplanted. Certain things can negate the results of a hair transplant operation and cause people to go bald again. However, this rarely happens, and even when it does, there are strong reasons. Patients can assured that after a successful hair transplant operation, it will take a long while before hair loss kicks in again, if it ever does.
Here are the factors that determine the results of hair transplant operations and also tell if baldness is likely in the future or not.
Seven factors that affect hair transplant results
- Genes
The natural thickness of a person’s hair will depend on their genetic makeup. So even with densely packed implants, some patients may produce fuller, more attractive hair than others. - Aftercare
Figure 2: This aftercare package (and more) is included in the price for a hair transplant at Cosmedica Clinic in Istanbul.One of the most important aspects of any surgery is aftercare. Without the necessary medications and post-surgery hair treatments, some transplanted hair may fall out or fail to grow. Also, quality aftercare can speed up recovery time for hair transplant patients.
- Lifestyle (smoking and drinking)
Smoking and drinking are two things that can lower overall body health in so many ways, as well as hair health. Individuals who smoke and drink tend to have dry, thin and coarse hair and are at a greater risk of hair loss. It is advised to quit smoking, drinking and all other such habits before going for a hair transplant operation. - Partial transplanting
If one gets hair transplantation surgery for a receding hairline alone, then it’s possible that balding may occur in other places on the scalp with age. Patients who transplant a full head of hair stand a better chance of fighting off hair loss as they age than patients who do partial hair restoration. Also, the hair transplant before and after photos of full head transplant patients appear better and thicker. - Over-harvesting
Over-harvesting the donor area can cause damage to the hair follicles there. Over time, this can lead to hair thinning and loss. In extreme cases, the over-harvested area becomes bald, with a visible patch. This is why it’s best to go for professional surgeons who know the exact amount of hair to extract from the donor area without causing irreparable damage. - Technique
A solid technique like the FUE hair transplant procedure will always produce spectacular results. Techniques like the FUT can lead to over-harvesting and linear scarring. - Diet and nutrition
Diet and nutrition affect one’s hair health. So, a healthy diet means good results after a hair transplant.
Why Cosmedica Clinic?
Cosmedica Clinic offers patients the best results possible, as treatment is handled by the renowned hair transplant expert, Dr Levent Acar. He has decades of experience, with over 20,000 successful surgeries to his name. Also, Cosmedica provides optimal treatment, both pre-surgery and post-surgery, at their state-of-the-art hair transplantation clinic in Istanbul.
Figure 3: Dr Acar is very thorough when it comes to planning and executing hair transplant surgeries.
The clinic is rated 4.9 out of 5 by customers worldwide. Acar uses a unique advanced FUE technique, known as the DHI Sapphire method, which guarantees faster recovery and an improved hair growth rate. Those exploring options can check out their website for hair transplant before and after photos.
To top it all off, Cosmedica offers its treatment services at extremely affordable prices and has all-inclusive packages for tourists that reduce expenses even further. Cosmedica guarantee hair transplant post-surgery results will be satisfactory.
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